Strobe-Lighting at Concerts, Shows etc


Registered User
On two occasions I have bought tickets at a well known online ticketing firm for concerts/shows. One being the Queen musical "We Will Rock You" in London, the other being Keane's concert at the Point a few weeks ago. At no mention during the purchasing process (ie time of gig, wheelchair access, etc) was strobe lighting mentioned.

When I arrived at both venues there were signs up saying "Strobe Lighting is In Effect during this show". My health is not the best and strobe lighting is a big no-no for me, so I had to leave both events (as did my wife). Both wasted, costly journeys.

If anyone suffers from my condition (tumour/epilepsy) ensure you check in advance whether strobe lighting will be used in the performance.

Also FYI I received refunds for my tickets along with my airfare to London and my taxi for The Point.
What is the effect of strobe u mind me asking? I've seen the signs but not quite sure what it means.
Strobe lighting can triggger seizures in those suffering from photo sensitive epilepsy.
Leo is correct, strobe lighting can be a strong precipitator of seizures for people with brain tumours or epilepsy.
I know cinemas mention it on their displays
Titanic being an example of a film with this
you did well to get your travel expenses back. i would have thought the company would say that it was your problem once they refunded the tickets.