Stretching canvas



Just wondering if anyone knows where I can get a canvas stretched in dublin or kildare area and any ideas of approx cost?
It is difficult to answer your question since it is not clear what your objective and interest are. You wish to know how to stretch a canvas so I assume you plan to execute the kind of painting for which stretched primed canvas is the appropriate base but that you have no knowledge or training of this specialism (on AAM myth is that 'everybody can paint' and art is a D-I-Y enterprise):rolleyes: .

You could purchase pre-stretched pre-primed canvas of different weight and texture (depending on your medium, the intended style of the artwork etc.) in any specialist art materials shop. Enter "artists' materials' in your web-browser and you will get a list of suppliers. Size and quality are severely restricted with this option.

You could teach yourself about preparing surfaces for painting though this option is also limited as building, stretching and priming canvases requires years of training, experience and arcane skill. Look in your public library for texts to start you off on this.

You could find an expert. As you are within access of Dublin/Kildare you could pop into the National College of Art and Design and put an advertisement on the notice-board commissioning a prepared canvas to your specification. That might winkle out the one student in a hundred - or perhaps an older lecturer - who has been taught and developed these conventional preparatory skills which few 'artists' and 'art students' currently acquire.
Thanks for advice, but just to clarify, I bought a canvas painting, just the canvas, and want to get it stretched, i.e put onto a wooden frame.
where you based? A framer should be able to do it for you. a friend of mine got hers stretched onto a frame in a shop just off baggot street (lansdowne end) left at AIB as you face lansdowne and its accross the road HTH
That's great Sloggi, I'm in Kilcock so town is no problem, Thanks