Strength of Euro v Aussie Dollar




I have a few Aussie Dollars at the moment and was wondering if now is a good time to convert them back to Euros? At the moment the rate is around 0.68c for $1, am I right in thinking that this is likely to drop once the interest rates start increasing later on in the year?

its a great time now!!!!

im hoping to move to oz, so im disgusted at the mo!!! it was 2 dollars to the euro last year, now its
EURO 1= 1.45 Dollar

cheers caz
euro australian dollar exchange rate

No-one can say for sure what direction the australian dollar will go. ECB interest rates arent expected to go up for 6-9 months while australian interest rates are expected to continue to move up faster which would suggest that you'll get less australian for your euro however euro seems to be weak because of the greece situation so the recent euro bailout may see it strengthen once it goes through.

using your bank is pricey, try and get a rate from your bank and call transfermate and compare

Australian dollar euro

euro australian dollar
Thanks for the replies, I think I will transfer them money now as the rate is so good at the moment!