Strange how spam has decreased drastically over the last few days: was 'Spam'


Registered User
Strange how spam has decreased drastically over the last few days.

Does this suggest that spammers are respecting the Christmas holidays or are they just taking a few days off?
Re: Spam

The feckin nasdaq bulletin board stock manipulators had a busy xmas. Inbox full of their crap. Am using outlook grisoft, ad-aware, spybot and spyware blaster to no avail. What can I do?!
Re: Spam

80% of spam comes from botnets. (compromised computers).

Might be the fact that people have their machines switched off over christmas.
(I'm still getting 500+ a day)
Re: Spam

A major reason for the reduction in SPAM is the new PCs that people recieved at Christmas. These PCs in most cases replace old PCs with little or no protection and with the operating systems not patched properly.

Most new PCs come with the OS now preinstalled to a relatively recent patch level. Windows XP Service Pack 2 also has the firewall enabled by default. So old infected PCs being replaced by newer PCs will account for a large reduction in SPAM.

However, be prepared for SPAM to slowly increase to pre-Christmas levels as these new PCs become infected as the users click on attachments in emails, do not update their anti-virus software and generally fall back into their old PC habits.
Re: Spam

This SPAM thing is getting to be a nuisance. There are various methodologies many use to minimise the receipt of same, but im now getting more than ever, probably 50% at least more in the last couple of months.
Perhaps AAM members who have more detailed knowledge of SPAM blocking techniques, could list the simpler processes one should apply and maybe we could build up a list of best practices in this area.
Re: Spam

I have just switched from Norton security to AVG because it is free! One problem I'm having is a Barclays Bank e-mail which I keep getting, even though I have put in a rule to delete any message with Barclays, it is not working. Any ideas? Is AVG enough?

Thanks in anticipation,

Re: Spam

AVG is not great with spam.
Maybe you should try Mailwasher. There is a free version and a fuller featured bought version which I have been using for several years.
It allows you to delete emails directly from your mailbox without loading them onto your PC,also it has a spam database which all subscribers contribute to.
Re: Spam

If you use Microsoft Outlook try this

It's free for personal use. We got a free trial for our business & were so impressed we're buying it when the trial runs out next week.
Re: Spam

Hi all,

I have been advised by a well informed friend of mine that anything for free just dosen't work very well and it's sure to slow down your system. Delete it off/uninstall and get yourself Norton or McAfee and be sure to download the latest updates! (Yes...unfortunately they have a monoply and no I don't work for either of them)

And as for the spam coming into your mail box. I have discovered that by creating a "SPAM" folder most but not all of the spam goes directly to that folder. Makes life a little easier

Re: Spam

AVG is not great with spam.
Is AVG intended to be an anti-spam product? I thought the basic product was a simple anti-virus tool, and not anti-spam?
This is such a broad generalisation that I don't believe your friend is that well informed. The problem with AVG is not that it is free. The problem is that it is not an anti-spam product at all. And the anti-virus market is by no means a monopoly or duopoly. There is a vast range of options out there.
Re: Spam

I have been advised by a well informed friend of mine that anything for free just dosen't work very well

Your friend isn't as well informed as you believe. Anyone who is I.T. savy could list a lot of free software that works better than commercial versions (Firefox for one used by many AAM users).

AVG Free works just as well as AVG Professional or other licensed AV software but doesn't get updates as quickly. AVG Free is anti-virus only, a free anti-malware product is also available.

Conflict of interest: I'm an AVG re-seller.
I've also been using Spamfighter and have been very impressed. My spam has now gone down from as high as 19 per day to just one in the space of a week.
We have 25 PC's in operation & were getting up to 200 spam emails a day. From feedback SPAMfighter has isolated up to 90% of these already. If you block a Spam address in SPAMfighter it blocks it for every user worldwide so it's a case of every helping each other out to reduce this menace.
We only ever use Mozzilla Firefox and get no spam or popups. Before it was Norton and weekly spybot, now nothing and no problems whatsoever
We only ever use Mozzilla Firefox and get no spam
Indeed - the chances of getting (email) spam in a web browser such as Firefox as opposed to an email client application such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird etc. are pretty slim alright...
Indeed - the chances of getting (email) spam in a web browser such as Firefox as opposed to an email client application such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird etc. are pretty slim alright...

doh... (I'll get my coat).
Ive downloaded the product as suggested here in the last couple of days and would highly recommend this free product to anyone using Outlook. Its dramatically reduced my spam levels and is easy to use and non invasive.
Is this ( the product you are talking about? Has anyone else had experience with this product?

Personally I use gmail web based email and havent used outlook for years.
I still use Hotmail for my personal email (usually using Outlook Express - I tried Thunderbird and the webmail plugin for a while but it didn't float my boat at the time) and restrict my Inbox to emails from known good addresses (configured through the Hotmail webmail interface). Everything else is quarantined in Junk Mail and if/when I notice a genuine email (by simply reviewing the subject line - not opening it!) I add the originator address to my known good list otherwise everything in Junk Mail gets deleted. Works fine for me.