strange car parked outside in my space


Registered User
Hi all,

Myself and partner live in private estate, we have our own designated and numbered parking spaces. came home yesterday to find old alfa 146 slapped diagonally across both spaces.

checked with neighbours, none of theirs or their friends.

one neighbour said she saw it zoom up through estate at speed and it was just randomly parked there yesterday morning at 1130 and the driver just got out and walked off.

Tax is expired may 08 NCT is 2006 and no insurance disk. im really worried as our estate is fairly new and our house is quite difficult to find at best of times so the owner / driver must know the area, the chances of a random driver pulling in there are slim to none.

contacted police but unless its stolen they've said they cant do anything, even though its on my designated space and meanwhile we cant park in our spaces.

What can I do??? Please help.
Re: strange car parked outside in my space!!!

Have the police said it's not stolen? I would be surprised if it's not.
Re: strange car parked outside in my space!!!

Might be a case of car dumping?

My first thought.

I know of one complex who called the guards about an abandoned car and were told "if it found itself on the main road outside your estate, it will have to be moved by the council".

Strangely enough, one dark night, that's exactly where it landed.

Not suggesting you do this, just a story that came to mind.
Re: strange car parked outside in my space!!!

How about the litter warden for the area?

Presumably it's an offence to dump a car.

It must have a registered owner

Visit the Garda station and you might get a bit more help on the matter.

Re: strange car parked outside in my space!!!

If its in Dublin then this will help.

By leaving it in a private estate, they get away from the littering element. As above, if it just happened to appear on a public road the scum who left it would have a litter fine to pay.
Re: strange car parked outside in my space!!!

Tow rope nd a good strong truck or 4 wheel drive.
Re: strange car parked outside in my space!!!

Tow rope nd a good strong truck or 4 wheel drive.

If you know how to use pulleys, one person can tow. I pulled my 4 x 4 across a car park using this method (and I'm a fairly petite "couldn't knock the skin off a rice pudding sort of gal). :D
Re: strange car parked outside in my space!!!

If you know how to use pulleys, one person can tow. I pulled my 4 x 4 across a car park using this method (and I'm a fairly petite "couldn't knock the skin off a rice pudding sort of gal). :D

With the handbrake on?(as presumably this cars is)
Re: strange car parked outside in my space!!!

We recently had just such a car parked in our estate, also very small and private, with no tax, insurance or NCT discs and the bonnet was slightly open.

Checked with the neighbours and no-one knew who it belonged to.

I called the guards and they came up within about an hour and had a look at it, found out who owned it and called them and told them to remove it within 24 hours or they would have it towed and impounded.

Turned out it belonged to a local garage owner who left it there while collecting a neighbour's car for repair, but didn't let the neighbour know.

AFAIK the guards have the right to remove untaxed vehicles.
Re: strange car parked outside in my space!!!

Can untaxed cars be impounded and crushed - or is that just the UK?
Re: strange car parked outside in my space!!!

I heard that if a car has no number plates on it the council will come and remove it promptly.
Re: strange car parked outside in my space!!!

gabsdot, that is right and it quite easy to take them off ! - not that i would know or anything ! it worked for me !
Re: strange car parked outside in my space!!!

I was reliably informed (by an authority figure) that if there "happened to suddenly be" no number plates on the car that the council would have to remove it.

Came home last night and it was gone. I still want to know who the owner was, any way im legally entitled to find out via their number plate?
Re: strange car parked outside in my space!!!

Came home last night and it was gone. I still want to know who the owner was, any way im legally entitled to find out via their number plate?

No - afraid not.