Strandhill, Sligo


Registered User
Anyone know anything about Strandhill? Seems like a nice location, but I have 2 concerns about it:

-might it be overrun during the summer with surfer dudes?

-is it full of holiday-home accommodation, resulting in a very transient population?

Any opinions / comments welcome.
Hi ndp,

Yes Strandhill does get very busy in the summer months. It has become a very popular spot for surfing and when the waves are good you get an influx of surfers. I wouldn't say it gets 'overrun' with surfers as there is quite a good mix of locals, day trippers from Sligo & environs and holiday makers from the caravan park etc around during the summer months. There wouldn't be a huge amount of holdiay accommodation - there is some apartments/holiday homes around the shore road but other than they are mainly residential properties.
Its a nice place, but can be pricy enough. Also looks set to develop a lot more as pressure comes on space in Sligo. The other thing to watch is the airport, you don't need to be under the take-off path if you want a lie in in the mornings.

Great surf though if you like that kind of thing.
Great surf as said above and good for dog-walking but be aware that this beach is NOT for swimming - several young people drowned about nine or ten years ago and the beach was closed for swimming after it. So if you want to be close to a beach, it might not be the best place.

I've never been very fond of Strandhill as a village - the beach is wild and beautiful but the village can seem a bit desolate in winter like most seaside towns. It's getting more populated now though which probably helps with that.

The village has a few pubs, a mini-mart or two, a good golf course, seaweed baths and its own airport linking to Dublin and Manchester! So it does have a fair bit going for it.

1. it does

2. not really, very settled
Lahinch would be 100 times better in terms of banter, surf, beach, nightlife etc etc etc
I have noticed a greater influx of Northerners in recent years. Have to say it sometime reminds me of Bundoran on a bad day.
Its also a bloody cold spot even on a warm summer day never mind a freezing cold winter one.
Like other poster said it lovely for a walk on a wild day but always glad to get further inland when I leave!

To be fair I dont think you could compare it in any way to Bundoran.

As for your second point - that is probably why Strandhill Road is a lot more popular than Strandhill itself.