STRAIGHT DEAL PRICE EUR12950. What to offer?


Registered User
Hello all,

There is a car on carzone I am interested in.

The price is listed as 12950 with a note in captials stating "Straight deal price".

I am planning on offering 11000 and will pay up to 11800 but not one cent more.

Does this sound reasonable.

I am thinking of maybe offering 10000 and paying no more than 11000.

I mean in a few months time it will be 2010 and the car will be a year older then.

I would appreciate thoughts and advice as to what kind of bargain I should aim for.
So the car is listed at 12950 and you might offer 10000.

If I was selling it I'd just laugh at that offer, and rightly so.
A lot of the asking prices on carzone are a bit high, they are open to negotiation.

Offer 10,000, nothing to loose.
I mean in a few months time it will be 2010 and the car will be a year older then.

You are so brilliant !!! And in another 901 years it will a new millenium. Just make the offer which you think is right. The longer the car sits on Carzone the more anxious the vendor will become. Just make the offer, give him your number and they will be back to you.