Storage Heater Switch Problem


Registered User
Have a problem with a storage heater....
It has an attached convection heating component.
Both switches seem to be stuck on 'ON' (i.e. can't switch them off)...The convection component has stopped working but the storage heating part seems fine....I'll have to get an electrician in..but is this a switch only problem? (Do wall switches have some kind of fuse or something attached). What makes a switch not move? Excuse my ignorance but I don't have a clue about electrical stuff!!
The switch being stuck sounds more like a mechanical problem - e.g. the spring in the switch mechanism is dislodged preventing it being switched off. This could be related to the convection part not working - e.g. the switch may be broken thus not completing the circuit. On the other hand the convection element may be broken/burned out. If it was me I'd isolate the storage/convection heater at the switch/fuse box, double check that it was isolated (e.g. using a phase tester) and then open up the heater casing to see what might be wrong with the switch mechanism. However if you know nothing at all about electrics and are wary of doing even this then get an electrician on the job instead. From what you've said (in particular the last sentence) you should stick to the latter strategy.
I'ld second Clubman's post, but is what you have something like two of [broken link removed]? If so, they are not switches. The chances of two switches beside each other gone is fairly low.

If those are what you have, then it is fuses that are inside them. Undo the screw or clip-out and replace both with similar 13 amp fuses.
Sorry - I was assuming that it was the (often red) convection heater on the side of the combined storage/convection heater that was stuck/broken. I also didn't mean to dismiss the possibility that fuses might be blown. Maybe you can clarify your situation although if you're going to get an electrician it may be all academic...
Thanks guys...No Sinewave its not one of those..its a switch, similar to a lightswitch and both appear to be stuck 'on'. Sounds like a job for an electrician Clubman....Unfortunately the convent school I went to was more interested in teaching me how to make scones than anything useful about electronics/electrics!!
Maybe you know somebody with a bit of DIY knowledge who would be comfortable with having a quick look in case it's something basic before calling out a sparks? Once again the heater must be isolated before opening it up!
Chance would be a fine thing! Not likely...

Is there a 'Dial a Hubbie' service in Ireland where you can just use the services of a handy DIY kinda person to do odd jobs? If theres not, theres a market!