Storage Boxes (plastic)


Registered User
Anyone know where I could buy a few storage boxes without paying stupid money for them?

Just need to clear out the attic to do the insulation and want to put all the family heirlooms into the shed.

But I'm stunned at the prices being charged for a bit of extruded plastic.. €20 for a 60 litre box? Madness..
I got a load of Euro Containers a few years back for stackable heavy duty storage in the shed. Prices seem to have increased considerably since then but they'll last forever and put up with serious abuse.

On the cheaper end the Ikea ones have served us well and are more robust than similarly priced ones we've bought elsewhere.
If its short term only - collect some cardboard from your supermarket. You can make anything you need with a utility knife & a hot glue gun.
Mr Price they have tons at reasonable prices. I had a lot of my stuff in storage in a unit in these for 6 months and they dis the job perfect.
Very appropriate thread given the new recycling requirements coming in February! I am on the lookout for one suitable to store plastic bottles/cans (outside) that's large enough to store a reasonable volume but small enough to fit in the boot of the car?
Ahh brilliant folks, thanks for all the feedback.
Cardboard won't do I'm afraid.. seems to just get damp in my shed and fall apart.
Euro-Containers are industrial strength arent they.. solid.. but wow they ain't cheap.

The prize is going to JYSK I'd say ... thats a brilliant price.. lids and all... Thank you.
Jayses.. now you mention it.. thats right...

So if its outside you deffo want a lid on it.. Ive glass bottles in tubs but they are in a garden storage thingy... this one..
Have had that 4 years and seems to be sunlight-stable .. still solid...
Got some in the The Range on a couple of occasions. Good selection of sizes, with lids, quality pretty average and not that robust.
Oh yeah, dry bags are great.
Another good thing for clothes and even duvets are the vacuum bags that you use the hoover on...

They are not all created equal tho.. I got ones from Penny's and Dunnes and they were crap.. they either tore or you'd come back after a month to find they had inflated..

But we got ones from Amazon uk that have been brilliant.. they're heavier and with proper valves..

These ones... BoxLegends..
The ones I buy from IKEA I think are 6 euro for the main box and 1 euro for the lid. They stack nicely and I mainly use them to store 3d printer filament.
Why not go to local Supervalu and look for their cardboard boxes that their fruit come in. I got before and these are really strong and free, or Supermarket you go to. I got before about 15.