stopping typing automatically


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When I type in say google search it automatically shows similar writing or same appears, ie promt appears, how can I stop this from happening
I use mozilla , do I just do the same as with internet explorer
When I type in say google search it automatically shows similar writing or same appears, ie promt appears, how can I stop this from happening

Why do you want it to stop its very handy?

You can delete individual enteries by hitting delete one they are highlighted. Or Esc to just enter something new.

or turn it off.

On Mozilla, go to 'Edit' -> 'Preferences'

Then, select 'Navigator' from the left-hand pane list.
Select 'Smart Browsing'.

From here you will see a check box for 'Location Bar Autocomplete'. Untick to disable.

Also, click on 'Advanced' button for more Autocomplete options.