stopped driving my employer's untaxed van


Registered User
my current employer has constantly failed to tax a van that I drive a few times a week.
I could drive this van 2 to 4 times per week.
I've been in employment since July 2009.
I have been reliably informed that the van hasn't been taxed for more than 18 months.
It is insured.
I have recently tendered my resignation - the tax is just one of a litany of reasons to leave.
I didn't leave earlier as I couldn't get a job. I have been driving the van because I can't afford not to work..young family. I've been put in a horrible situation.
Today I got stopped at a Garda checkpoint. He said it will be brought to court. They deserve to be punished. Do I? Will I?

I'll understand if I'm condemned on this; but I really felt I had no choice until I could get out. I would never allow my car out on the road without tax.

Can you advise please?
I simply want to know if my license is under threat, or if I get points..or a court appearance..or a conviction.
Thank you.
If you drove it on business for your boss under his instruction and were stopped, then he should be in the court.

If however you drove it on private use after working hours and were stopped, then good luck!

You would knowily have driven without tax, is it even insured?

Food for thought.
if the company owns the van then its their responsibility to tax it ( different AFAIK to the UK, where the driver of a vehicle ensures its taxed). Or even its leased, the company has to contact the leasing company and arrange the tax, not you.

I was in a similar situation before & always used the excuse that it was not my car, that it was a company car...however the Garda said they can impound a car/van if its still/left untaxed after 2 months.

You may not have been with the company before they last taxed the van, so this is something that could be in your favour.

Hope this helps...good luck
Unfortunatly Turtle AFAIK it is the person driving an untaxed vehicle that takes the fall and not the owner.

When you think about it, it is afterall you and nobody else that is driving an untaxed vehicle and therfore commiting an offence.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but maybe I am wrong in this........
Grabbed from

"Finance Act 1976, Section 73

Licences to be fixed to and exhibited on vehicles.

73.—(1) Where a vehicle to which this Part applies is used, parked or otherwise kept at any time in a public place, if while the vehicle is being so used, parked or kept there is not fixed to and exhibited on the vehicle in accordance with section 5 (5) of the Act of 1920 a licence which is both issued in respect of the vehicle and is for the time being in force, then the person by whom the vehicle is so used, parked or kept at the time shall be guilty of an offence, and in addition to the person aforesaid, the person (if he is not the person aforesaid) who on the day on which the offence is committed is in relation to the vehicle the relevant person shall also be guilty of an offence.

(2) A person shall not be convicted under this section and under section 12 (4) of the Act of 1920 in respect of the same omission. "
Thanks for the replies folks.
I'm at the mercy of the system, it would seem.
The company will definitely get fined.

Just to clarify (and it doesn't seem to be a mitigating reason) was being driven on company time, and it was insured.
I'm finished working for them next week fortunately.