Stop paying credit card?




I am writing to ask for help for my sister and brother-in-law. Her husband has gotten himself into financial trouble with a credit card. Owes approx €7k. Is only paying min amt of €80 p/m which is not making any dent into the capital. He lost his job a few mths ago and is now struggling to pay the min amt

He went to Mabs for advise and they could not help as he is still paying the minimum amt. MABs told them that the only way to stop the interest on credit card would be to default.

The credit card company(MBNA) has this week sent out a letter saying the min amt. has now increased by €40 per mth. My brother-in-law simply does not have this money.

My question is, should they continue to struggle to pay the €80 p/m or just default. If they default will the credit card company stop the interest and let them pay a monthly amt? They have been refused a switch to other credit card companies and cannot go to another financial institution for money. At this stage my brother-in-law does not care about being black-listed for 6 years.

My sister/brother-in-law are so distraught. Any feedback is most welcome.
Has he written or contacted the credit card company in relation to this matter?
If not he should write to them and explain the situation and ask them to freeze the balance on the CC and commit to paying some amount a month.
He phoned them twice. They told him that as long as he is paying minimum balance they will not consider freezing interest.

The problem is that they are increasing from €80 to €120 which he does not have the money to pay. So do you think it would be better if he defaults or keep paying the €80, which will be lower than minimum next mth when increase kicks in?

Thanks for feedback.