Stoooopid Drivers


Registered User
Again quick rant about stupid panicky drivers - if you are not sure don't drive.

A woman texted in to 2fm last night while I was on my way home. She had a new born baby in the back of the car and kept skidding so she texted in to see what she should do and what gear she should be in!

Ehhhhhh well first thing don't friggin text while driving and 2nd if you are not sure what gear to drive in then you shouldn't be on the road!

As for the motorcyclist I saw speeding from Navan - ya feckin eejit!

Typical bad bloody driving and inability to cope with any change in conditions!
Here here..

I am a motorcyclist and there was no way on earth i was getting on it - left my bike in work knowing it would take me hours to get home....

But hey, some of us value our lives!
i had a van standing in front of me at a roundabout yesterday skidding all over the road, even while standing - he must have been overloaded and had summer tires ...
similarly, people who pull out from side streets and force you to brake on a slippery road, then start panicking when they see you approach from behind and veer off to the hard shoulder - which is untreated and even more slippery/ ... muppets
Well unless I drive I don't go to work - no other way of getting there except by taxi which would cost about €45 return.

I take plenty of time to clear the windows and warm up/de-ice the car before I do anything.

I drive slowly but consistently, in as high a gear as I can, declutching slowly and carefully, braking very gently, accelerating gradually and taking turns as widely as possible when it is safe to do so.

Not sure what else I can do really.
Ney how do you know the lady wasn't stuck in traffic and not moving (as seemed to be the case for a lot of people in Dublin yesterday)? How about a little compassion and understanding. Not everyone is used to driving in these conditions so at least she was putting out a call for advice. It would be nice if people were a little bit more helpful with advice instead of sneering at these so called stooopid drivers.

Maybe she was stuck in traffic, either way, bit more attention to conditions then texting a radio station. Second and most important thing is why leave it until you are mid way through a journey to find out what gear you should be traveling in!
Maybe she was stuck in traffic, either way, bit more attention to conditions then texting a radio station. Second and most important thing is why leave it until you are mid way through a journey to find out what gear you should be traveling in!

I don't know but then again neither do you - for all we know she might have just being at the start of her journey. Just think a little bit more understanding wouldn't go amiss here as everyone is struggling with the conditions.
I don't know but then again neither do you - for all we know she might have just being at the start of her journey. Just think a little bit more understanding wouldn't go amiss here as everyone is struggling with the conditions.

Sorry, I don't have any sympathy for her, the reason?? very simple bad drivers endanger my life on my journey home to see my family. All out of sympathy for someone who decides to take a chance in the car when the obviously haven't a clue what to do!

While you drive home (perfectly no doubt) to your ivory tower I'd hope there are other more concerned citizens out there who might knock on the window of that lady's car and give her some advice on how to avoid skidding.
By far my biggest gripe with drivers is those absolute unthinking idiots who drive around towns and cities at night with only their parking lights on!

If anything it is the over confident drivers that are more dangerous.
Well, I'd like to thank the airhead in the white car behind me on the Ballycullen road at about 5.30 yesterday. Everyone else was crawling along and she decides to drive right up my a*se despite me putting on my hazard lights twice to warn her to back off. What is wrong with people like this?
My Darwin award goes to the very busy gentleman in the 08 Audi driving through Appian Way yesterday morning - obviously far too busy and important to clear his windows, so all side windows and rear window had that nice dusting of snow that came down overnight - just enough to obscure vision of pedestrians and cyclists.
A guy came speeding onto the Firhouse road this morning from the direction of the M50, pulling right out in front of me. Then, after waiting a couple of minutes at a red light, got bored and decided to just ignore it and drove on. He too had a lovely layer of thick white snow on his back window!!

Shockingly bad drivers in Firhouse, just came back from Supervalu with a silver micra less than 4 feet behind my car the whole journey, aul lad driving it too, someone who should have had more sense.
Idiots of the day go to

4x4 driver up the ar*e of our car up a fairly slippy hill, when we were waiting to turn right into our street decided he couldn't possibly wait all of 10 seconds and drove round the inside on a very slippy patch and mounted the pavement ( thankfully no-one was on it!)

boy racers closely following a careful driver on same patch of road as above deciding to overtake her, on a slippy hill.

Without wishing either physical harm I do hope they skid enough to damage only their cars and are put off the road for a week or so as neither appear to have the sense they were born with!
One thing I used to do when driving a rear-wheel drive car in snow was to put a couple of bags of cement in the boot, then drive as described by Caveat.
I am usually a fast enough driver, but I am slow enough along in this weather. However, it is the other people booting down the road at 140km plus that are making me nervous.

On Wednesday afternoon, I was tailgaited by a skip lorry who had enough of my careful driving and flew into the middle lane at about 100km, and raised a tsumami of slush to go right over the top of my car and run down the windscreen. Car was completely covered and I panicked. I could see nothing and the wipers took more than a few seconds to clear it. It was damn dangerous driving by the skip driver who could have caused me to crash. If I had got him, I would have knocked him into next week.

I dont think you can be careful enough in this weather. Where I am the outside temperate is hitting -8. How can people still do 120km on the Naas Road. What about black ice, etc.? There are certainly a lot of dunder heads about, and it is them making me nervous, not my own driving.
Just seen an article in the Tribune about the abuse gritters had to take when they were out gritting the roads during the first days of snow. Apparently some drivers didn't like them getting in their way!!!