Stones or cobblelocking?


Registered User
I was all set to get the front drive cobblelocked but now I'm having second thoughts and am thinking about getting stones instead. Firstly I think the stones actrually look nice and the other reason is the amount of discolouration/upkeep in cobblelocked driveways. Does anyone who has got either job done have any views?

Have a look at Roadstones catalogue for some ideas, I'd go with a paving myself.

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Good Luck
I have the stones and wouldn't change them for the world. Easy to look after, an occassional rake, odd easy to pick weed. Neighbour has cobblelock (red brick type), it is covered in a green mossy film, tyre marks, looks yardy and dirty, pools of water and weeds in between blocks.
I agree that if you have not much sunshine getting onto your patio/driveway then you will need to maintain it buy treating it with moss killer and maybe even having to wash it off every now and then but if maintained correctly it will always look good.
Thanks for the responses folks. We've decided to go with the stones, I'll let you know after a while what I think of the job.

Is that why gravel is a fraction of the cost of paving . On a more serious note if water is lodging on your neighbours paving then it wasn't laid properly. Ground preparation is all important as is the preading of fine sand and the use of a whacker plate to finish the job. You will get weeds in gravel too ( Round up or Pathclear sprayed twice a year keeps my paving weed free ) and car tyres displace gravel. If the gravel is too thin you will see what is beneath it , too heavy and ............. well ask any kid on a bike cycling on it what he / she thinks .