stone facing/cladding



hey all,
planning to start a big renovation project in the near future and in the midst of research right now. i'm considering facing the house with some form of stone but the look i'd like to achieve is a limestone block effect, something similar to what you might see on public buildings. i don't want the rough block look.
does anyone know where i might look? i've been searching the net and can't find what i'm looking for. any ideas would be greatly appreciated. thx
How old is your house? Bear in mind that this may structurally overload the walls.
you need to describe what you want better....
rough block??..... do you mean random rubble type?
limestone block??.... limestone is only the type of stone, its not a bonding course method.
perhaps a few pics of what you are looking for might help.

you might find something here....

is it the modular type you are looking for?
I'm putting granite facing stone on my house. I got it off a company outside Newry called Shanlieve Stone (google it).
It looks really well and is unusual in that most stone on houses now ar either limestone or sanstone with granite cills. I plan to mix white granite with 10% yellow to give some contrast. Price is very competitive too and they provide a very good service. I am also getting cills off them as well and prices are much cheaper than in the South
thx all for your help so far.
the house is about 60/70 years old. i will search for an image of what i'm looking for and put it up.
in words the look i'm thinking off is what you might see on public buildings with walls of plain limestone or granite blocks (not polished). i know it might look a bit dull and lifeless but i'm looking for a low or zero maintenance finish for the house and i'm not fond of multi coloured stone or stone effect looks and the house is in north meath which means if i was goin to use stone it would be too dark (since i would only use stone natural to the area). if all this fails and i can't achieve what i want then plan B is some form of stone window and door surrounds and render the walls which will involve regular painting
With regards to fernhillstone, my brother in law has rang them numerous times to set up a deal and has never got a call back. This is after they sent out the catalogue, which is impressive, but they repeatedly promise to call back and never did.
Hi veno,
I think I know the sort of look you want -something like you'd see on an old Garda Barracks ? There's one in in Ardrahan, Co. Galway and I have often admired it. Just before the village on the Gort side there is a new house with this stone. There is also one beside the Shopping Centre in Oranmore. Both houses look like they are a hundred years old and I think they look very nice.