Stolen passport not in safety deposit box



On holiday at the moment, no safety deposit box in one of the places we stayed at. There was a security guard on duty as well as CCTV and passport was locked into my suitcase in inside my room which was also locked. Passport, credit cards, camera, jewellery and presents stolen. Lots of hassle trying to get replacement passport sorted so far, obtained police report, went to embassy, got Emergency Travel Cert. Had to change flights home also as we were due to stopover in another country for a few days. Cannot do this now as we are not allowed into another country with ETC. Insured with who state we are not insured if items stolen are not in safety deposit box. Would you think we are covered if there was not a deposit box available for use or should I say that we were using one. Also says we would be covered if we lost these items. I know honesty is the best policy but it has cost us an awful lot so far and major inconvenience on our holiday, and I feel we are entitled to compensation. Any advice welcome. Thank you.
Paper work will be key. You'll need a police report, assuming you've already reported it to the authorities.
The insurance company will do what ever they can not to pay. So why would they not just ring the hotel and check they have safety deposit boxes if you say you had one. Though you could have had them pick pocketed so I don't see the relevance of a safety deposit box.