Stock Analysis Information


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What ready & practical sources of stock analysis & selection information are available to the private investor in Ireland? Specifically I am referring to historical & forecast information for fundamental stock analysis & selection, and specifically not to 'technical analysis' software, day-trading software & the like. In the UK I used Company REFS, Hambro guide, & online information from people like Hemscott. Is there anything here like that? Thanks.
Concerned! Was hoping there would be some good suggestions by now! 181 views to date & "empty bucket"! Notice lots on keeping trading costs close to zero as possible, ok, so 'cheap seems popular', but what are we basing the quality of our investment decisions on? would welcome comment, thanks!
I like as a starting point - there can be quite a bit of noise but after a while you learn to ignore it. It's a good starting point -though it is focused on the US stockmarket. You can access a lot of data too and there are plenty of links off to other resources.

Not sure if that's what you are looking for.
Hi there, I'm wondering the exact same thing...I've traditionally invested in U.S. stocks since that's my area of familiarity (with the accounting standards etc. and methods of analysis) but need to increasingly buy Euro-stocks to limit my FX exposure (I live in the EU permanently now)

Historically I always used a screener & S&P 500 research reports. Who can give us good ideas for European companies?

Many thanks!