Still on maternity leave but redundant


Registered User
I know it sounds like one doesn't come hand and hand with the other.

I'm due back in work in 2 months time but I've already been informed that I will be made redundant the day that my maternity leave ends. So I'm sitting in limbo for a further 2 months.

Is there anything I can do before this date arrives? I know I can't go to social welfare until then but can I get anything in order before this?

I feel like I need to be prepared. I've already got my P60 and my P21 is on order (I've done the tax return for last year already). We've cut back on all extras in the house, tightened the budget for the year - planned for the year ahead.

Any advice would be very welcome.

I would check this with the citizens information site
I didnt they could make u redundent while on maternity leave, under company law you are entitled to return to previous job, if that job is not available they are required to offer a similar position on identical rates etc
Greenqueen you can be made redundant as you say on the date you are due to return to work, totally legal. Go and sign on day of your return date with your redundancy paperwork and P45. Jobseekers Benefit (you must be available and actively seeking work)is not means tested, Jobseekers allowance is..... Make sure you apply for the correct benefit!! You can in the meantime make sure that your employer will have everything ready for you to collect to enable you to sign on promptly otherwise you would lose benefit days until you present yourself in the SW office with your paperwork.
Thank you both. I know it's totally legal unfortunately. I will say in fairness to my company they have been open with me on my position. It would have been worse to find out on the day I returned to work. At least now I have a while to get used to the idea, even if it does feel like I'm in limbo.
I'm definitely qualified to receive JB and I've already started looking for a suitable replacement position however the prospects aren't looking good.
Keep a file of all your job applications, and importantly any correspondence received back from Companies. You will at some stage be asked to an 'interview' with SW and to prove your efforts in seeking employment. I know you should be elligible for JSB but make sure you fulfill the 'available & actively seeking employment' clause. iykwim.