Steve Staunton Irish Manager (is this a joke?)



My God the FAI has really lost the plot now.

They get rid of Kerr that has all the qualifications in the world and appoint a guy who is helping out Paul Merson at Walsall.
While he was a good servant to us as a player I think appointing a guy who has no Managerial experience at any level is a complete joke in my opinion.:confused:
The FAI obviously dont trust him either by appointing Bobby Robson as his no2.
Why not give Robson the job and let Staunton learn from him?

Like to know your thoughts

By all accounts hes supposed to be a very intelligent man. Hes been in football a long time but admittedly not in coaching or management.

Look at some of the other young appointments in recent years at high level, e.g. Chris Coleman at Fulham, Mark Hughes at blackburn, even stephen Kenny at (longford/bohs/derry). If there are certain tenets and features that make up a good manager, maybe the FAI have seen this in Stan, the major worry is noone else has seen this through clubs hes managed, or lack of as the case maybe.
Theres no doubting he knows the setup, knows the players and is supposed to be well respected. Give him a chance? Sure, but if youre going the route of giving him a chance why couldnt we have stuck with Kerr for another tournament? (rhetorical question!)
car said:
.. maybe the FAI have seen this in Stan ..

Ah, the FAI, that model of foresight and wisdom and prescience.

Or what I believe them to be .. which is not worth writing here cos the Administrators woud remove if before the pixels had dried on the screen.

Groucho Marx is said to have said something along the lines of "I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member". Similarly, wanting to be a FAI monkey boy should disqualify you.
TarfHead said:
Similarly, wanting to be a FAI monkey boy should disqualify you.

I think this is slightly unfair to Stan the Man. Whomever is involved in football all their lives and played through a couple of world cups is most likely always going to have the desire to manage their country leaving aside all the politics of the FAI etc.

You can't have a go at the guy because he accepted the job.
The FAI are full of people who came up through the ranks from schoolboy football. Guys whove been there years. Very few are professionally appointed people so you get guys who want to be loyal and want to appoint someone who will put up the lot theyre given.
Look at the english FA, their board is made up of chairmen who are all multi millionaires, successful professional businessmen. They pay whatever it takes to get the job done right, ala Sven, now again thats a whole other topic but hopefully you get my point.
Stan may turn out to be a good appointment but who else was there? O'neill wasnt available. would you have Aldridge or Stapleton as viable alternatives just because theyve had some managment experience, albeit at a low level in england? Very strange decision alright but not one Id be screaming joke about. I'll reserve judgement.
Typo sorted Ronan:)

Steve staunton has no coaching badges whatsoever.Fair point about Coleman at Fulham etc but this is an international team we are talking about here.As far as I'm aware this must be the first time that someone with no experience has started at international level.Most others have stated at the lower end of the ladder and got to know other managers along the way which comes in handy when trying to get players released for international duty etc.
I just find the appointment a little odd thats all.
In the UK Walsall's defence is seen as one of the worst in their division and guess who their defensive coach is................
I hope the FAI are not saving the pennies by this appointment.By the way Bobby Robson will be gone once he gets a full time premiership job again.Then what............maybe bring in Gary Breen as his assistant........oh man I fear for the future

Car: I agree the english fa might be able to throw money at big managers but they have still won f**k all world cups compared with Italy, Germany, Argentina, Brazil etc ie other footballing countries with a strong league, a few questions should be asked about Spain in the regard but thats another matter. Diddles; I say give Stan a break. He's been a loyal player and been involved in some great and not so great days for Ireland. At least unlike another korner boy we can think of he didn't fly home in a huff cause nobody would butter his bread. yeah I know hes a hometown boy -so what?
Headline in sports section of Herald-

Is Stan the man to bring footballl home?

And a picture of Croker!

Is this a joke????
Ahhhh, now its becoming clear. With Stan having won underage county medals with louth, hes the acceptable face of soccer to the Cumann Luthchleas Gael. The FAI can now say "didnt we appoint one of your own".

Begs the question will the square ball rule apply in croker during a soccer match? :p
Looks to me like a 'political' appointment.

Publically: Stan as manager, Bobby Robson as assistant. An Irishman in charge looks good, especially when playing at Croker.

Reality: Robson is the manager, advises Stan, makes most of the decisions which Stan rubber-stamps and takes the responsibility for results as manager-in-name-only.
redstar said:
An Irishman in charge looks good, especially when playing at Croker.

Why would they have a problem with Bobby Robson being in charge at Croker? Don't they have Mickey Harte there a couple of times every year???
I reckon Stan has as good a chance of doing well as anyone. Admittedly, choosing from a limited pool I'd have gone for Aldridge based on his record with Tranmere especially as a cup team which in essence is what managing Ireland is like and the fact that he's seen and done most things that anyone on the Ireland team can only dream of. However Stan has also been there and bought the t-shirt and I think that one thing Kerr's regime showed was that you can have all the pre-match preparation you want but it was lack of passion and players who were up for it that cost us (twice) against Switzerland. I'm only prepared to forget the Israel games because every other team struggled against them as well. For the Ireland team getting relatively good players to bite in the tackle is the main thing once they get the ball back then its relatively basic. The team will generally pick itself with only one or two places up for grabs an even then it'll be a coin toss between to relatively equal players. Stan will also be lucky enough to be able to start every match without having the 'Keane' question brought up which I reckon will be a major plus as can losing someone like Carr, a good player capable of doing much better if he was bothered is a poor example to younger players.
I'm sure Mickey Harte (manager of the All-Ireland winning Tyrone team) would consider himslf an Irishman.
even big jack has an Irish Passport. anyway the only one's who havent played at croker is Dublin. they just turn up now and again.