Steve Jobs confirms Apple's new iPad

My guess would be May/June time. The first version is being launched in the US at the end of March followed by the wi-fi one at the end of April.

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This is the annoying bit. There's no reason why the wifi only one can't be released at the same time, except that is to get the initial people queuing up at the door and signing up for contracts with the chosen network.

I seem to remember with the Apple TV they were all launched around the same time. Announced in Jan, in the European Apple shops by April.
It will be most Apple products.

Looks lovely, is priced very highly, but which can be bettered by other brands.

As others have said, such as? (Don't mess with the fanboys).

But from looking at competitors products, they always try to outdo Apple with additional functions and features, the vast majority of which you will never use or just take up RAM. They miss the basic concept of design and functionality in their haste to compete.

Let's not forget also that Apple's created a whole new industry in the Apps market and one completely removed from the standard major software companies. The iPhone and the "open source" for the Apps has meant anyone can make decent money by creating an App in their bedroom. Again though, open source is hardly Apple's idea.
OK then, here's my own evidence, based on my own beliefs.

I have listened to an iPod. OK its a very clever interface and looks sexy, but I ended up buying a Sony MP3 player instead. Think the sound (the most important thing after all) is better than the Apple.

I have also owned a Creative MP3 player in the past, and that was easily as good as the Apple, but its not sexy and not an iPod so the sheep won't buy it in such numbers. Add to the fact that these brands, and in fact most brands, will let you play a range of formats, not just Apples own.

And I have also heard so many work colleagues and friends complain about how their iPod software and iTunes have taken over their laptop.
OK then, here's my own evidence, based on my own beliefs...

The thing to remember though is that these products are post introduction of iPod. If it wasn't for the iPod the competition wouldn't have had to up their game, in fact they wouldn't even be in the market.

But yeah, there are better MP3 players, depending on what you want. For simple stuff like just listening to music, the Sansas are great.

But each new iPod, each new generation, gets means the competition have to go back to the drawing board.

The other things often mention like DRM and restrictions in files. Well it's an Apple product, so they want you to get the Macs to run it better and with no fuss. But it took the iPod and DRM to legitimise the legal music download market. That's why big retailers push the iPod over others, but without the issue of DRM on iTunes, the only way to get music digitally would be like it used to be: illegally.
Is it not just a glorified and overpriced netbook (granted I haven't looked into it in great detail yet)?

We wish.

For starters, you can multi-task on a netbook; you can't multi-task on an iPad...

Thats the simple thing I was trying to say. End of.

For me the new iPad is not really necessary for anybody who owns an iPhone and Netbook or Laptop, but of course it will be bought by loads simply because "they want one". This is what Apple do really well. They make desirable products, which may not be the best in the market.

I think you need to define what 'best n the market' means. Apple products have superb usability. They are really good to use, intuitively and without making the user feel stupid. Yes, you can find products with more capability in each of the categories but there is a reason that many users of Apple products (myself included, and I have a very technical background) keep using them.

So it is not fair to say 'simply because they want one' as though it is a bad thing! It is about time usability is taken seriously.

Sorry to go back to what I said before, but I was not disputing that Apple products haven't got the best user interface.

I said that there are better MP3 players than the iPod in terms of sound quality, which surely should be the number 1 priority in an MP3 player? For me it is. If you buy an MP3 player and don't think that the quality of the sound is of utmost importance, and perfer to worry about how the unit looks or how easy it is to use, then you have got your priorities all wrong.

And this is why I think Apple products do so well in terms of sales. Even if they aren't the best, people still want them due to how they look, how they are to use and how they are marketed.

But don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they are bad products. I have used a few and they are definitely good, but just not always the best.