Steeplechase, Rathoath

Hi Marg, I'll check the manual when I get home but the plumber was in and said that the size of the tank would not have enough hot water to fill a bath. Seems crazy to me as well. What was the point in installing a bath in the first place? Still a fair bit of stuff to be done finishing off steeplechase although all the main buiding work seems to be done.
I tell ya what is driving me mad..... The road ways!!! The way they dug them up and just through gravel (or actually bigger stones) down... I've had 3 punctures in as many weeks, all of which have been due to stone damage.... (Guy repairing them told me that)
I wonder why they haven't opened the link road between the Skryne and Dunshaughlin roads.
I wonder why they haven't opened the link road between the Skryne and Dunshaughlin roads.

Will they open it?? I live in Steeplechase Hill and it's a nightmare in the mornings sometime!
Just had a check of the tank there.... It's about 8 foot tall, and split in 2. The bottom part is around 2 feet tall and the pipes coming from it are boiling, so presume my gas heats that too as I never use the immersion.
Thanks Lar, seems to be the same one that we have. Funny the misses just had a bath this evening and said there was enough hot water Maybe it just took a while for everything to settle down. We've only moved in a couple of weeks ago. Havnt had any punctures yet (fingers Crossed) but have to say we're very happy with the development so far
Thanks Lar, ........................we're very happy with the development so far

No problem! Yeah, we're in since the end of July last year and likewise, really happy with the development. Just wish they'd hurry up and re-lay the tarmac!!
I don't know if there are plans to open a link road through from the Dunshaughlin Road to the Skyrne road. I know when Steeplechase first launched it was a selling point that there would be no rat-runs through the development. The Dunshaughlin road is a nightmare at the moment anyway.
On the plus side, although I don't live in Steeplechase I do think the development looks good overall and the developers have made an effort to finish off the communal areas well (unlike my own estate).
Has anyone any update on when the playground will be done? It was supposed in be done by now, but there doesn't seem to be any sign of it yet.