Looking to move some of my savings into a 3 year state savings bond to earn a little more interest, say 10-12k. Is there any reason to avoid these bonds, is there a risk that i could loose my money?
You can see the details here: statesavings.ie/Downloads/Brochure2.pdf
If they arent advisable whats the safest place to put money for 3 years and earn a similar return?
However, the term of Saving Bonds is not fixed for 3 years - your money can withdrawn at any time(subject to a 7 day notice period). You may request, without any penalty, full or partial repayment of your original amount (principal).
YES - understandably, if cashed in early,
the rates are adjusted to reflect the shorter time period
for which the money has been on deposit 3 year Savings Bonds rates are as follows -
AER (Annual Equivalent Rate)
End .......Grossed.......Net After
Year.......Up Rate......Tax Rate
1.......... 3.01%........2.20%
2.......... 3.52%........2.57%
3.......... 4.42%........3.23%
The total overall return in percentage terms is
End .......Grossed.......Net After
Year.......Up Rate......Tax Rate