State benefits / possible assistance - query


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My friend lives in west meath- has an apartment bought with money settlement from divorce- owned outright - no mortgage -
Not overly happy there -
If it was sold off - there would be funds of around 120 k in the bank account - which wouldn’t buy a house or apartment in the area liked - Meath -

Thinking about seeking a council / local authority house - or perhaps rent in the area required where interests and friends are - prior divorced-

While not homeless - on about 27 k a year work wise - is there any possibly of moving to the area required with the assistance of HAP / local authority housing ?
how much would a property your friend is interested in?
are they in a position to apply for a mortgage and put funds from the sale of the apartment towards it to purchase.
You would be looking at 250k for something basic - annual pay is very tight - could put the sale funds towards it ok -
Very unhappy after divorce - in a place where they know no one -
Stuck really
Is it means tested? If so would they look at proceeds from selling apt and other savings and invedtments?