Starting voluntary Prsi contributions immediately after ceasing employment.

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If a person starts making voluntary Prsi contributions immediately after ceasing employment what happens?

A person ceases employment on 30th June 2023 and starts voluntary contributions on 1st July 2023.

Do they get 52 voluntary contributions up to 30th June 2024 or do they get 26 voluntary contributions up to 31st December 2023 ?
After doing some research I think the answer is that they would get 26 contributions up to December 2023.
Some Context, would be good

If that example, was someone who was eligible, for claiming Job seekers benefit, they would automatically, receive PRSI credits, for up to 9months after ceasing employment, and could continue to claim PRSI credits, after 9 months, assuming they did not qualify for Job seekers Allowance
It's, very difficult, to make sense, of, your posts, because of, the odd way, that they're, punctuated
Context of that nature was unnecessary, it was a question relating solely to voluntary Prsi.

Extra credits are of little use to the person as they already have twenly years credits from the Homecaring periods scheme. A person in this situation is not allowed any extra reckonable credits.
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I see, it was this that threw me :

“starts making voluntary Prsi contributions immediately after ceasing employment”
After I ceased being an employee (in Germany but should make no difference) and started paying voluntary PRSI I only received the contributions from that date until year end for the €500, not 52 contributions. The following year the €500 got me the full 52 contributions and so on.