I will probably change jobs within the next 6 months, and would like advice on beginning paying into a Pension scheme with my current employer.
If I change jobs, one of the options (apart from transferring to the new Employer's scheme), is to take a refund of the value of my contributions, less 20% tax.
In the knowledge that I probably will leave the scheme, is it legal to use this to get tax relief on a portion of my salary for 2007 ? e.g. I could pay 20% of income into the Pension (20% made up of 6% standard + 14% AVC), and take a refund of it all in 6 months time, with a significant tax saving on that money (20% vs. 41%+PRSI) ? Would I be liable for any other tax on this ?
I am not planning this for tax avoidance, just want to be clear on my options.