Starting my own business



Hello folks,

I was made redundent a couple of months ago and have been doing some private work for a large organisation through a personal friend who works there. Basically acting as a print broker. So know i want to make a go of it fulltime.

I'm looking for all the pointers i need regarding.....

Registering for vat
Registering a company name

This large company are vat exempt.
also they like to pay with a "payment card" BOI i think, i contacted aib a while back regarding this and the charges are crazy. are there any options regarding recieving this payment type.

Basically i'm looking for some good sound advice about starting up or pointers to where i can get this advice..

Thanks all
You will find very useful & helpful information on One of the regulars there deals with setting up companies. It's a very informative forum (ignore its name, blokes are allowed to join!)

Have no affiliation, just find it a very helpful site.