Start up company - First Sale! - Question.


Registered User

I recently started up my own business. I got my first sale!!

It's a nice feeling. Anyway, my question is:

Is it necessary for me to attach an invoice to the outside of the package for customs (entry into the country of my customer)?

Just recalling packages I have received in the past I seem to remember invoices enclosed in a transparent, sticky envelope to the outside of the parcel.

Or do customs need to see this invoice to determine the value of the product and hence the amount of tax the customer is liable for?

If it is necessary for me to attach an invoice to the outside, is it normal practice to make up an invoice with much reduced € total so the end customer is not required to pay import taxes?

Congratulations on your first sale.

Could I suggest that if you want your company to continue to survive and have more sales you employ a professional courier company, expert at international customs clearance and be guided by their rules.

The standard, legal, honest and painfully obvious thing to do is to have accurate documentation attached to the outside of the package and you issue your customer with the standard disclaimer, something like "invoice total includes value of goods and shipping costs, any and all import taxes, duties etc. levied at point of entry to destination are the responsibility of the recipient".

Under-declaring the value of goods on a package transported internationally is commonly called smuggling
Thank you Mathepac

I will take your advice onboard.

Can anyone tell me if I am shipping goods to the US (valued at $960 / €620). Would the customer be liable for any taxes upon receipt?

Or where would I find this info out?
