Start Mortgages



hi everybody
i took out a mortgaes in 1992 with e.b.s and hvve been with them up until 2005,i got into a bit of money trouble with a car loan in 1996,i never told e,b.s and in them years i sold and bought 3 houses and my bad death never showed up until last year,i had to do sometin quick so i went to start mortgaes @7.9% because nobody would have given me the mortgage,i never miss a payment wit e,b,s or start,i was told by a mortgage broker that after six mths ihe cud change me over to e,b,s,well now he is saying i cant until a year and thats if e,b,s will take me on,it will be a year in november,my bad death is still ther even doe i rang and wrote a letter asking them can i pay of my death i owe them for a small price,stil got no reply,looks like i will have to stay with start but at 7.9% its very hard on the pocket,can anybody tell me another way to get away from start and get a mortgage somewher elceat a low rate thank you
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Paul32, who do you owe the money to for the car? A dealership or the bank. Surely they will accept the payment for the debt now, although it may be substantially higher. The company may feel it is messy receiving an amount that is going back so far but surely they would prefer to receive the money, even this long after it was due. Find out from the person the car loan was taken with as to when they closed the loan. The bad debt cannot remain on your credit report after the 5 year mark from the date the lender closed the loan.
What text speak?

Paul - is the broker that's advising you now the same one you got the original Start mortgage with? November's not that far away.
hi solatic
no i went into ebs and asked them,yes i know november isnt far away buy i just wanta have everyting ready to back to them in november,but if i havent got it sorted i cant,but you would think me been with them for 14 years that it shud stand to me,i have dhow them all my bank statments,to let them see how my bills are paid and everything is well up to date,like at 7.9% and i am paying all my bill sure they cant turn me down,can they??????????????/