Start lost €2.7m last year

Brendan Burgess

[broken link removed]

loss 2010|€2.7m
Loss 2009|€1.5m

Assets: €13.2 m due from other group companies (probably mortgages?)
€9.2 m cash

Given that they seem to be the main bank in the Irish Times every week seeking repossesion, it makes you wonder how much they are making on the mortgages actually being paid by their customers
117 repossession orders granted in 2011Q1 - unfortunate for those involved but again small numbers in the greater scheme of things?
Is it just me or is it odd that one of the founders of Start is Head of Arrears Support Unit at Bank of Ireland
There is a shortage of peopl with experience in dealing with arrears.

The guys in Start have good experience of it, so it would not be unusual for another bank to headhunt them.
