Starbucks and quality of coffee


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As a side note, I've heard a few Irish people speak highly of Starbucks, including my own sister- in-law. I always have to benchmark their opinion against an Italian's. There's a reason Starbucks doesn't have a single outlet in Italy because they'd be run out of the country serving up their poor equivalent. Nespresso, now there's something to talk about!

That's not why Starbucks isn't in Italy. (Don't be surprised if that changes soon). The coffee culture in Italy is completely different to what Starbucks offer in Countries like Ireland. Italians drink espresso in a cup while standing at the coffee bar. They don't drink take away coffee, they don't drink out of plastic cups, they don't mess around with coffee types, they drink small amounts of strong coffee at the right temperature. Starbucks haven't entered because of culture reasons, not quality reasons.

Nespresso is just like Starbucks in that it has built up a huge brand name. Indeed the company is now used as an example of how to build a brand in most business courses. It offers quality coffee but it is nothing special. Like Starbucks, it doesn't beat sitting in an Italian coffee bar with the smells and sounds. That is an unique experience to Italy so you can't really expect the same in other Countries.

Coffee is generally rubbish because people don't know how to make it.

I think it's a bit of what you've said about coffee culture, but more how people have their coffees here (influence by Starbucks). Coffee is way over roasted because the most popular and profitable drinks are the ones that are mostly milk, plus all other flavouring. They over roast the coffee so that there is still a hint of coffee coming through all that added stuff. It means that if you just take coffee as coffee and not a mocha anything, the coffee is disgusting.

But Dublin has its share of good coffee places in the same way Italy has its share of disgusting coffee places.
Coffee is generally rubbish because people don't know how to make it.

What is a cup of coffee ? It's in the eye of the beholder. Someone who wants 'some of the vanilla latte b******t' is welcome to it. It's what they call a cup of coffee and good luck to them.

My sister is unable to offer a cup of coffee without getting out the milk frother and cocoa power for decoration. Good luck to her.

Some swear that Insomnia is better than Costa is better than Starbucks is better than Insomnia is better than ... Good luck to them.

I have developed a liking for buying beans, grinding them myself and using a Aeropress to make a cup of filter coffee with no milk. That's my cup of coffee. If I ever proclaim that my choice is better than your choice, call me a snob and shoot me !

SNOB! (gets gun)
I have developed a liking for buying beans, grinding them myself and using a Aeropress to make a cup of filter coffee with no milk. That's my cup of coffee. If I ever proclaim that my choice is better than your choice, call me a snob and shoot me !

Yes to the Aeropress. It is the only way to make coffee now. Plus you have to grind your own with it as I find none of the commercial coffee is ground fine enough. You can feel free to proclaim your coffee is better once using the Aeropress, it's not snobbish when giving facts.

That’s a very calm post, full of generosity of spirit.

Very uncharacteristic of you, what’s up?
I went through a few lost years trying to recreate really good coffee at home via various bits of kit. Eventually I saw sense, gave up and now I drink the Senseo stuff. Tis grand. I order the pads from Holland and they come via courier within two days. Anything for an easy caffeine hit, I say. Well, anything other than that Maxwell house stuff. Urgh.
There are a couple of independent coffee shops in Dublin that usually vie for the accolade of 'best cup of coffee' in Dublin. In a recent post on Facebook, one of them chose to grudingly admit that Nespresso coffee was actually good.
In Mespil road there is a Starbucks and an independent place (Coffee2Go). Every morning there is a queue outside the independent place - and for good reasons too - Starbucks coffee is just rank and it seems the Irish populace has realised this as they have not taken off here at all. Some have opened up and closed down again (Ranelagh and Dalkey spring to mind), while the independents are still doing the business in the same areas.
its all about branding, if you can make a big enough brand name you can sell people pure muck! coco cola being a prime example.
Starbucks is like Apple... it is all about the branding and they are selling you an image and a lifestyle choice. I am not a fan of either.

Have recently discovered The Art of Coffee on Adelaide Road/Harcourt Road, Dublin - very good quality and even better customer service. There's a Starbucks directly opposite but doesn't bother them, the place is always busy.