Standard of Driving on Irish Roads

You are NOT REQUIRED to stay on the right on this stretch. People (like you) who feel that they are required to stay in the outside lane cause mayhem and reduce the options for other traffic. I drive this section every day and find the lane discipline appalling, even worse than the N7 into Dublin - and that's bad! There are three lanes along a good section of this particular stretch. I drive on the inner lane whenever possible, usually at the legal limit. Very often I pass a slower moving 'convoy' in the outer lane, with one completely empty lane in between us.

If I pulled to the left then I risk colliding with traffic filtering from any of the interchanges coming from the left, then I am boxed in behind the slow drivers whilst the fast or over the speed limit cars overtake me. It is the convoy of lane 3 drivers causing mayhem! Be honest, you are the people flying down the outside lane boxing me in. If you see me in my Morris Minor please let me in, you don’t know what I have under the bonnet.
I dont get it? How do you risk colliding with the filtering traffic? Does that happen a lot where you live? Cause i've never seen it happen. Your driving along on the inside lane and another car is coming down the ramp you either

1) have enough time judging by the speed you are travelling to be able to pass them before they reach where they need to merge. If this is the case then traffic is moving at a good enough speed where you could pull into lane 2 and then go back again.

Or 2) if you are unable to pass and you cant move into another lane you slow down to allow them to enter. This only normally happens when traffic is going at a snails pace anyway. Then in time you will be able to pull out and over take if the person in front is not doing the speed that you want to go.

Out of interest do you still stay in the third land even when the road ahead is clear? Or the cars infront are a good distance away.

On the section of the N25 that your refer to, there is only one intersection, on one side, where you MIGHT, POSSIBLY, at times have a problem with merging traffic, due to high volumes 'merging' - that is the intersection merging from the South Link, heading East. On ALL the other intersections, heading East or West along this 6 mile stretch of the N25, there are long slip roads, so there is no need for you to be out in the outside lane.

So...because you might (possibly) be boxed in at one distinct location on a 6 mile stretch, you feel that you are, quote, "required", unquote, to stay in the outside lane???

Be honest, you are the people flying down the outside lane boxing me in. If you see me in my Morris Minor please let me in, you don’t know what I have under the bonnet.
Is this your approach to driving? Your concern is that you might be boxed in by faster traffic on the outside? You also imply that you have something powerful "under the bonnet". What you have, or don't have under the bonnet has absolutely no bearing on lane discipline. The outer lane is not something reserved for those who have 'something' "under the bonnet"

Based on your posts, I am more concerned with what you have behind the wheel.
The most dangerous component in a car is often thought to be the nut behind the steering wheel
The most dangerous component in a car is often thought to be the nut behind the steering wheel

It was after 10 when I left work yesterday and I was driving home, minding my own business. In one place there is a long stretch of road in which you can see all the cars ahead of you for about a mile and anyone coming against you. There were about 5 cars ahead of me over the mile and one coming against me. For some reason, the guy coming against us thought it was hilarious to turn his lights on full, just as he was passing every car, including mine(and yes, I had dipped my lights). I really cannot even begin to understand the mentality of that person.

It got me thinking of other things that bug me, people who don't seem to realise what indicators are for, people who wander about the lanes and roundabouts, people who drive too slow, lorries in the right hand lane, people who don't look when changing lanes (I had about €5000 of damage done to my car once thanks to that), people on mobile phones(buy a hands free or turn the bloody things off, there is never going to be call so important that you have to take it in a car whilst driving, if you job was that vital, you'd have a driver), tail-gating, driving with a hand stuck out the window(I'm seeing a spate of that at the minute for some reason), the list goes on and on.

Perhaps above all, speeding. There's been a lot of posts about lanes and speed in this thread. To me if you are persitantly driving for mile after mile, in the right hand lane of a duel carraige-way and are over and well over the limit, you're in the wrong and driving dangerously. If you don't believe me, try it the next time you see a speed camera and then argue your case in court and see how far you get. Lane 3 does not exist for someone to drive down it at 150mph or so when there is virtually no other car on the road (something else I saw last night)

rant over............ I feel better already
... If you see me in my Morris Minor please let me in, you don’t know what I have under the bonnet.
I think the general concern here is not with what's under your bonnet, but with whatever might be between your ears.
I think the general concern here is not with what's under your bonnet, but with whatever might be between your ears.

I dont think there is much between his ears. And what ever he does have will be splattered on some motorway if he carrys on driving the way he does.
I am now stuck in the 2nd lane, when someone allows me to enter the 3rd or RH lane, does this mean that I must go an illegal speed like everyone else to prevent the cars backing up behind me?
No you only need to overtake if the person in front is not going at the max speed, other wise why would you want to over take in the first place. If you need to over take once you have done so and you can see the car clearly in your rear view mirror, you then look again, signal and then pull back into the 2nd lane, that way you wont have the idiots that stay in the 3rd lane breaking the speed limit tail gating you!
I am now lane hopping because all the cars in the 2nd lane are only doing 80km including the one that I overtook, I want to do a legal 100km but everyone in the 3rd lane are exceeding this.
I am now stuck in the 2nd, ...
I have a solution that is guaranteed to work.

  1. Check your rear-view mirrors, indicate left and when it is safe to do so move into lane 1.
  2. Cancel your indicator (you can do this by moving the indicator switch to the central position)
  3. Check your rear-view mirrors, indicate left and when it is safe to do so move onto the hard-shoulder
  4. Cancel your indicator (you can do this by moving the indicator switch to the central position)
  5. Apply the brakes and bring you car to complete halt, select neutral on the stick-shift (or autobox where fitted) and apply the hand-brake (safety-brake or parking-brake if you're still in US-mode)
  6. Switch the engine (motor) off and remove the key from the ignition
  7. Turn on the hazard flashers (depress the large triangular switch in the centre (center if you are in US-mode) of the dash-board
  8. Exit the vehicle (via the driver's door is easiest), and lock the car (automobile)
  9. Proceed to the rear of the vehicle and stand facing the boot (trunk)
  10. Close your eyes and using your stronger arm, throw the car-keys as far as you can into the field on your left
  11. Keep your eyes tightly closed, walk backwards, edging out into oncoming traffic as you do
  12. If you safely cross all 6 or 8 lanes, repeat from step 11 until you hear a load screech of brakes & tyres and feel a very hard bump.
Problem solved.

You may not like the solution, but it works for me.
I am now lane hopping because all the cars in the 2nd lane are only doing 80km including the one that I overtook, I want to do a legal 100km but everyone in the 3rd lane are exceeding this.

Well, that is the point we are trying to make. People should use the 3rd lane to overtake then pull back in, leaving the lane free for anyone else who wants to overtake. It's an overtaking lane, not a fast lane.

hahahaha have you ever tried doing stand up? that was very good!
Thanks everyone, it prompted a few thoughts and must make us all see the other persons point of view, To the fast drivers it’s a pity their mind is not as fast as their driving and they could not recognise a wind up. I hope no offence taken. and of course I do not drive a Morris Minor I have a 1967 Citroen Dyane.
Thanks, no I prefer annoying specially selected AAMers about driving habits and Golden Pages deliveries. (Yellow Pages deliveries if you're in US-mode)

haha ah you didn't annoy me, i dont get hung up on things like that. If we all thought the same way the world would be a perfect place, and a very boring one!
To the fast drivers it’s a pity their mind is not as fast as their driving and they could not recognise a wind up.
Now is that a wind-up within a wind-up?

Seriously though, referring to the intersection of the South Link and the N25, there is going to be a SERIOUS accident here, given the way many drivers emerging from the South Link, literally 'kamikaze' straight across three lanes of flowing traffic, ignoring lanes, continuous white lines and ghost islands.
Noticed this over recent years but got an awful example today that had me laying on the horn as the scumbags passed,

Temporary traffic lights at some roadworks. I was 2nd in line sitting behind a red light, waiting. It changed to green, but we still had to give way to cars coming through. I counted 11 cars that we had to give way to before we could move off. And as I drove past the green light it changed to red again!! I then watched in my rear view as approx 8 or so cars drove through this red to join in behind me. As we drove past the roadworks and past the cars on the other side I looked back at their light, and it was of course green, but now they were waiting on us scumbags!!

Its anarchy now at lights. There is no regard for a RED light any more.
Swords roundabout - 6 exits - going from malahide road to pavillion - outerlane moving to third exit.... other idiots come right up on the inner lane which is clearly marked for feltrim and the swords road into town and then they maneouvre across two lanes to go into the pavillion (maybe to get their meds)... lane discipline is not exactly their forte.... and then they look like laurel hardy ... "what did I do wrong" "hello". I am surprised that there's been no major accidents other than the couple of jugernauts and trucks overturning and those that know the overhead pedestrian bridges down!!!
Oh annet i feel your pain, and i'm also very surprised there has been no accidents on that roundabout.

Another beauty is coming from airside, and you want to continue straight on towards the M1. Left lane clearly marked that you can only use that lane to go into the pavillions. 2 lanes left, can use either of these to continue straight on and the out side lane if you were heading malahide direction....simple enough you say, you need eyes like a hawk doing that route cause every single time some one will come up on the left side lane and then cross directly in front of you, from the left hand lane to either go towards malahide of feltrim!!! totally madness.

I've lost count of the amount of time someone has done that to me.

Only thing i will give them is that round about is a total mess to begin with, i dont think anyone knows what they are doing, even people in the middle lane will cross infront of you because if they stay in the right hand lane they have no time to cross over to be in the inside lane to take that exit because of the traffic lights.

And lets not mention how difficult it is to even get to where you want to go via that round about, with all the cars lines up at the traffic lights to begin with.

I remember when that round about had no traffic lights, ( oh god thats about 8 years ago ) in my opinion traffic moved much more easily than what it does now. I avoid that roundabout as much as possible, i'll even pay for parking at pennys and drive up through swords main street than attemp to get around it.