Standard of Driving on Irish Roads


Registered User
Has the standard of driving on Irish Roads really improved? The number of fatalities might have reduced - but has the number of accidents - how many accidents dont go through the insurance and are not reported in the calculation of official stats?

I see it everyday - people who continue to use mobiles while driving, drive in excess of the speed limits, fail to obey basic lane discipline on roundabouts (some dont even know which lane they are suppose to be in), fail to stop and head on straight through a red light, blocking junctions, simple things like indicating to show their intention to maneouvre seems to be beyond some drivers basic level of capability, wreckless proceeding from minor to major roads and failing to give way to oncoming traffic. In one incident - while stopped at a traffic lights - there was little child of no more than four jumping around the back seat of a car driven by a woman - the kid was obviously not secured in a child seat - if in an accident that child would have been straight through the windscreen with multiple injuries.

I wonder the extent to which penalty points are effective when you see PSV and HGV holders exceeding speed limits on the M1, M50 and on primary, secondary roads and motorways everyday? I am not saying these are the only roadusers who break the law - but in pressing the point about enforcement - it seems that if these peoples livelihood is wholly dependent on possessing a driving license - which it is - logic would also say that when they speed - they are not really afraid of being caught or getting 12 penalty points, disqualification from driving, loss of occupation and income. Hence, the question about enforcement - from both Garda Siochana and the Road Traffic Corp. Cameras strategically placed would be a nice little earner for our cash strapped exchequer.
I agree that the standard is not great, but I think it is getting worse everywhere from what I see.

I learned to drive in NI, and we always thought that RoI drivers were awful. In fact many were hopeless when they came into NI, but now when I am back in the North I see examples of bad driving all the time.

People using mobiles is rife. And they don't even try to hide it any more. Does anyone get fined for this these days?

Also people don't seem to use indicators either. You have to guess where they plan to go.

But probably the worst example I see all the time is the red light jumping. Everyone is at it, and I just think it shows how little patience people now have on the roads. It happens so often and on most occasions when you are opposite these people you get the green then start to move off but have to stop to let those light jumpers get past you. All to save perhaps 2mins of further waiting:rolleyes:

This practice is particularly bad at temporary lights where roadworks are being done. I watched about 7 or 8 cars go through red's on these the other day. Sad.
Two more single driver fatalities this weekend. Midsummer, no ice on road.
I learned to drive in NI, and we always thought that RoI drivers were awful. In fact many were hopeless when they came into NI, but now when I am back in the North I see examples of bad driving all the time.

I think this is more to do with a cavalier attitude - outside the jurisdiction, they can't get me type of thing.

I see lunatic, careless and selfish NI drivers in the republic regularly - my relatives in NI tell me the same thing happens there too.
Having done about 1000 miles round the country in recent weeks, I thought that the standard did seem to have improved. The number of wild, dangerous overtaking manoeuvres seems to have dropped significantly, just 1 or 2 over my recent trips.

I do see lots of poor driving in the city, though most of this causes inconvenience to others rather than danger.
I must say that I think that overall the standard has improved somewhat in the least 2 years or so. There are the odd incidents but generally I think there is an improvement. I definitely don't see as many stupid overtaking manoeuvres as before. I also think manners have improved a bit.
I must say that I think that overall the standard has improved somewhat in the least 2 years or so. There are the odd incidents but generally I think there is an improvement. I definitely don't see as many stupid overtaking manoeuvres as before. I also think manners have improved a bit.

+1 - the fact that there are fewer unaccompanied learners has made a big difference. There are always exceptions but I have noted fewer displays of astonishingly bad driving.

I do note tho that confusing or no indicating at roundabouts as well as continued errors in positioning while entering roundabouts is pretty universal. The whole country needs to revise that section in the Rules of the road.
IMO 3 things have happened to improve things, firstly fewer unaccompanies learners, secondly fewer drunk drivers and thirdly less traffic. White Van Man seems to be largely a thing of the past or at least an endangered species

To me the most dangerous issue remaining is people driving cars that are far too powerful for their ability. Some people seem to think that because they drive a certain make of car that the rules of the road don't apply to them. I have a theory that if I am going to be passed out by a loony breaking the limit or driving straight through a roundabout without looking or doing something else moronic then they are more then likely going to be driving an Audi/BMW/Merc/VW Passat/SUV
It amazes me how many people I see on a daily basis driving in the middle lane (of 3) on the M50 and also N7 and are clearly not overtaking anybody in the inside lane (lane 1).

This sounds like a small offence but when you think that you are not allowed undertake (unless driving in heavy traffic and all lanes are moving at the same speed) and if you are coming up behind someone in the middle lane and you are in lane 1 (inside lane) you have to move out to the outside lane (lane 3) to pass them legally. Pretty dangerous.

Also, I cant get over the amount of trucks that drive well over their legal speed limit (80kph) and also drive in the outside lanes of motorways.
It amazes me how many people I see on a daily basis driving in the middle lane (of 3) on the M50 and also N7 and are clearly not overtaking anybody in the inside lane (lane 1).

This sounds like a small offence but when you think that you are not allowed undertake (unless driving in heavy traffic and all lanes are moving at the same speed) and if you are coming up behind someone in the middle lane and you are in lane 1 (inside lane) you have to move out to the outside lane (lane 3) to pass them legally. Pretty dangerous.

You beat me to it RonanC. We had this discussion before on here but I agree completely, it baffles me how many people do this (drive in the middle lane when not overtaking) and don't seem to comprehend they are in the wrong!
It amazes me how many people I see on a daily basis driving in the middle lane (of 3) on the M50 and also N7 and are clearly not overtaking anybody in the inside lane (lane 1).

This sounds like a small offence but when you think that you are not allowed undertake (unless driving in heavy traffic and all lanes are moving at the same speed) and if you are coming up behind someone in the middle lane and you are in lane 1 (inside lane) you have to move out to the outside lane (lane 3) to pass them legally. Pretty dangerous.

Also, I cant get over the amount of trucks that drive well over their legal speed limit (80kph) and also drive in the outside lanes of motorways.
I heard someone on the radio a while ago saying that they stay in the middle lane because they are going straight ahead.:confused:
It amazes me how many people I see on a daily basis driving in the middle lane (of 3) on the M50 and also N7 and are clearly not overtaking anybody in the inside lane (lane 1).

This sounds like a small offence but when you think that you are not allowed undertake (unless driving in heavy traffic and all lanes are moving at the same speed) and if you are coming up behind someone in the middle lane and you are in lane 1 (inside lane) you have to move out to the outside lane (lane 3) to pass them legally. Pretty dangerous.

Also, I cant get over the amount of trucks that drive well over their legal speed limit (80kph) and also drive in the outside lanes of motorways.

I think people have this fear that they might get boxed-in if they stay on the inside lane and be forced to take a turn they don't want to.
I think people have this fear that they might get boxed-in if they stay on the inside lane and be forced to take a turn they don't want to.

Unfortunately, someone's fear is really an ignorance to the rules of the road. Our motorways are clearly signposted well in advance of exits but people ignore them until the last minute or they simply fail to plan ahead.

Bill Struth got it in one, people seem to think that if they are not exiting at the next exit they should stay in the middle lane which is wrong and dangerous for anyone travelling behind them and a greater speed.
It amazes me how many people I see on a daily basis driving in the middle lane (of 3) on the M50 and also N7 and are clearly not overtaking anybody in the inside lane (lane 1).

This sounds like a small offence but when you think that you are not allowed undertake (unless driving in heavy traffic and all lanes are moving at the same speed) and if you are coming up behind someone in the middle lane and you are in lane 1 (inside lane) you have to move out to the outside lane (lane 3) to pass them legally. Pretty dangerous.

Also, I cant get over the amount of trucks that drive well over their legal speed limit (80kph) and also drive in the outside lanes of motorways.

The N7 is becoming a bit of a race track lately, people seem to think the speed limit doesn't apply if they drive in lane 3
I'm on the road a good bit and I don't notice completely wreckless driving. Just really annoying driving!

People who insist on driving at 80kph regardless of their location or the speed limit - motorway, town... That's just their chosen speed and they stick to it.

And people who drive 20kph below the allocated speed limit. Why?! Just put your foot down! It's not dangerous!!

Also, slightly off topic, I HATE baby-on-board stickers. At all times when I'm driving, I never want to crash into another car. Baby stickers aren't going to make me try any harder. So there. Hmph.
Also, slightly off topic, I HATE baby-on-board stickers. At all times when I'm driving, I never want to crash into another car. Baby stickers aren't going to make me try any harder. So there. Hmph.

So if the sign said "politician on board" would you have similar feelings ;)
And people who drive 20kph below the allocated speed limit. Why?! Just put your foot down! It's not dangerous!!

I guess some people treat a speed limit as that...a limit, not a target. If someone is safely driving at 80 in a 100 and traffic behind can safely overtake should they choose then why would that driver be forced to stick on the limit if they don't need or want to ?
And people who drive 20kph below the allocated speed limit. Why?! Just put your foot down! It's not dangerous!!

Speed limits are maximum limits allowed. They are not targets that everyone must hit.

Some people simply do not feel comfortable driving at the legal limit and drive within their own comfort zone which I dont really mind as long as they obey other speed limits in built up areas and so on.
Speed limits are maximum limits allowed. They are not targets that everyone must hit. quote]

I know they're not targets, but drivers need to make a bit of an effort at least. I think slow drivers show an absolute disregard for other road users (as do maniacs, of course). They're not the only car on the road, and if they struggle to maintain something near to the speed limit, then maybe they shouldn't be driving.

But on straight stretches of road there's always some guy in reverse almost, holding up a long line of traffic. I don't think that's acceptable. I think there's some law in the US that if you're holding up more than about five cars you have to pull over. Not that I'm a big US-lover either....!!!

Taking it to the extreme, would it be ok for a driver to do 30kph in a 100kph zone? Just cos that's the speed he's comfortable at?
I guess some people treat a speed limit as that...a limit, not a target. If someone is safely driving at 80 in a 100 and traffic behind can safely overtake should they choose then why would that driver be forced to stick on the limit if they don't need or want to ?

....and if the traffic behind can't safely overtake?!!!