I have a Standard Life Savings Policy maturing in April 2008. It will be worth 8,500. I have contributed 63 Euros per month over the past 10 years making total contributions of 7,560. I rang them and a lady on the phone confirmed my total inoput was 7560 over the 10 years but after "tax" my contributions was approximately 7,200. Surely this policy shoud not be taxed, is this a regular administration fee. Basically 7,200 matured to 8,600, a 18% increase. I am a financial green horn, I took out this policy when I was 26. Has this been a good return over 10 years when things like inflation are taken into account. Alos I now have to decide if iwant to keep up this policy for another 10 years. I am think of kickstarting a pension policy by putting this lump sum into it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.