Stanaway road, Kimmage - opinions please.


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Considering a move to Stanaway road in Kimmage - the area seems nice enough but I would appreciate your opinions.

Hi There

just to let you know something the estate agent won't tell you

Stanaway Rd is not in Kimmage, it is in Crumlin. You can have this verified through the an Post delivery office on Fortfield Rd that delivers to Crumlin.

I grew up in Walkinstown and most of Crumlin had a very bad reputation, some of it still has this is why estate agents try to change the address.

It has a history of a lot of IRA activity around the Captains Rd area and there are also serious drug dealing families living in Crumlin.

As seen on another thread in relation to Crumlin (see Raphoe Rd) some of the privately owned parts are fine. Roads like St. Agnes leading to the village are nice and have had good people living in them.

Check with the local Gardai as to which roads are dodgy but I would advise you to look carefully.
I've lived in Crumlin for years & really like it. It's a great location, near city centre, easy access to M50 etc. Stalk the area, try & see what your neighbours look like - do they have 10 kids etc. One end of a road can be fine while the other end might be bad. Check with the local gardai. I go up & down Stanaway a few times a week and have never seen anything of note, ie. no large groups of kids hanging around etc. I wouldn't worry too much about IRA activity or drug dealers from post 2, they don't normally dirty their own doorstep, though having said that I wouldn't want to be living next door to them. If there's lots of junkies & scangers hanging about, that's what I'd be more nervous about.
I'm also a native of Dublin 12 and although I've no strong opinion on Stanaway Road I have to echo the other sentiments, it is Crumlin, not Crumage or Kimlin or anywhere else. This problem has come up elsewhere (check out the Blanchardsknock/Fingnevin thread) and while it can make for an amusing anecdote - it can also be very very misleading for FTBs and other buyers who have enough to contend with without having to doubt the address given on their (expensively produced) brochure. GRR!
I live in Perrystown, which is not too far from Stanaway Road. It is certainly not Kimmage, every road that branches off it is Crumlin aswell, e.g. Bangor Road, Clogher Rd, Captains Rd. etc.... I drive up it at least 3 times a week to visit my grandparents who live on Clonmacnoise Rd which is a nice quiet road. The end nearest to Lorcan O'Toole Pk seems pretty decent and there's some nice houses again up close to Stannaway Park. But it does still have a reputation so drive around at night and in the day time and see how the land lies...
Have lived off Stanaway Road for almost 2 years now, and have not had one bad experience of the area. No gangs of kids / no junkies or visible signs of drugs. Crumlin is pretty settled, and while there are still a few bad ones living here and there, it is mostly good.
theres an amount of criminals in the area - hence, paradoxically, crime is not that bad in the area! Friends of mine live around there. It turns out that having the local RA/INLA nutter living on your road means crime does not happen in certain streets. In fairness I haven't heard of anyone who moved to the area having bad experiences. Its quite a mature community.
Hi Bankrupt,

I now live in Crumlin and my take on Stanaway would be that theres not much by way of trouble on the road itself but make sure you visit during peak hours as traffic gets very heavy on it and personally I don't like the houses on that road. There's much better roads for your money in other parts of Crumlin - the private built areas are obviously the nicest but if your budget doesnt stretch that far there's plenty of roads that you might like better than Stanaway (e.g. in or around Bangor circle - I'm not too keen on it but less traffic is one thing to be considered, though defo more kids hanging round these parts at night).

By the way, did you challenge the EA on advertising it as Kimmage? I'd love to hear their response

I have lived on Stannaway Rd. for the past two years and I have never experienced any trouble. You get the odd helicopter overhead at night but that's about it. There was a strong Garda presence on Stannaway Rd. (Lorcan O'Toole end) about four months ago and I came across numerous checkpoints over a short space of time but this seems to have abated now. It is true that this is Crumlin and not Kimmage which is something to keep in mind. A good few house come on the market on Stannaway Rd. and it must be said they don't stay ther long.

It is ideally located for city centre which a couple of miles away. It is served by the 18 and the 83. Traffic is becomming bit of a problem (so much so that I now cycle) on this bus route especially in the winter mornings as you have to go through Kenilworth and Rathmines. By the way Stannaway Rd. can become quite congested in the evenings with traffic at the Lorcan O'Toole end traffic lights.

All the Best,
Re Stannaway Road

I completely agree with Deco. I live at the Sundrive end of this Road, a stones throw from Kimmage Shopping Centre. It is a very quiet Road, with no trouble or unpleasant incidents. Traffic can be heavy for a half an hour around 9 am or 6pm, but where in Dublin is traffic free. The houses here are very solidly built, east to heat, and have large gardens. Go for an end of terrace house if buying or renting. As to whether the correct address is Kimmage, or Crumlin, is purely acedemic - I would certainly prefer to walk to the Kimmage Shopping Centre than to Crumlin Shopping Centre distance wise it is much shorter to buy a postage stamp, although I believe Stannaway Road is served by Crumlin post office.
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