Stan goes and Delaney stays...same old, same old?


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Well, Stan has been axed and John Delaney retains his position. Yes, I think that the state of Irish international football will go from strength to strength now.:rolleyes:
From stated last night that:

“I think by moving to a process where we will appoint people who are vested in the game in a professional capacity to make the next appointment, it is recognition that that’s the way forward for the association at this stage.”

To paraphrase Basil Fawlty...

"You should be on Mastermind"...

Name-John Delaney Specialist Subject - the bleedin' obvious"
By all accounts Delaney is doing a good job - just because the manager didn't work out is not reason enough for Delaney to go - there is much more to his job than just the senior team manager position - and as he said even that is not down to him alone. So I for one don't think he has any reason to step down. Can you provide your list of reasons why you think he should - and try and balance that against all the reported improvements made in the FAI since he took over, then see if you still think he should step down. I should add I am no expert in this area, merely basing my rationale on the reported improvements since he took over.
By all accounts Delaney is doing a good job - just because the manager didn't work out is not reason enough for Delaney to go - there is much more to his job than just the senior team manager position - and as he said even that is not down to him alone. .

Yes I that's a fair point. Granted I believe administrative improvements have been made in the FAI recently.

Unfortunately, the appointment of Steve Staunton and his back room team cost the Association well over €1 million to escape from last night. This is money down the drain. Problem is...this is the second time Mr Delaney & Co have done this (remember Brian Kerr?). Do you feel that Mr Delaney is not in any way accountable for the losses involved in paying off these managers before their contracts ended?
Yes I that's a fair point. Granted I believe administrative improvements have been made in the FAI recently.

Unfortunately, the appointment of Steve Staunton and his back room team cost the Association well over €1 million to escape from last night. This is money down the drain. Problem is...this is the second time Mr Delaney & Co have done this (remember Brian Kerr?). Do you feel that Mr Delaney is not in any way accountable for the losses involved in paying off these managers before their contracts ended?

To be fair, Brian Kerr's contract had ended. They just didn't renew it. I don't think John Delaney should go because of this debacle but I also think he came out of this affair very very badly (the way he hung Staunton out to dry made me sick) and I think his reputation is seriously damaged so he probably won't survive another cock up.

On another point, I would like to wish Staunton all the best (I am sure he is reading). He didn't deserve it to end the way it did and should never have been put in that position. We would all take the job if offered it but it doesn't mean we are able for it. He is still a legend!
From stated last night that:

“I think by moving to a process where we will appoint people who are vested in the game in a professional capacity to make the next appointment, it is recognition that that’s the way forward for the association at this stage.”

In other words, "we'd like someone outside the FAI to take the rap for any future cock-ups".
Dealney hasn't really been that dynamic or innovative in his leadership of the FAI. He's merely started to implement the Genesis and Cass reports and that was something that had to happen as Govt funding was dependent on their implementation.

At grasroots level, the technical plan etc is being rolled out well according to all accounts. The long mooted merger between FAI and LOI has taken place and the organisation has improved slightly in the manner in which it administers the game.

On the downside (not that the above is a ringing endorsement IMHO) he has overseen the shambolic appointment of two international managers (the manner in which both Kerr and Stan were appointed was a joke) and his dealings with the media in the last week or so have exposed him to deserved criticism. He appointed (and it was him) Stan for 4 years and kept on harping about this 4 year plan and then after 2 says I didn't appoint him and gets rid of him.And takes no responsibility for the shambles......
According to Brian Kerr on the radio this morning all these 'improvements' in the FAI at grassroots etc are just spin. I'd like to hear the opinion of people involved with the FAI at grassroots level, as it seems rather surprisingly that you can't believe what you read in the papers ;)
I'd agree with Sunny's sentiments, I'm no fan of Delaney but just don't see this as reason to get rid of him too. As for Brian Kerr, please - talk about a bitter bitter man, let it go Brian, ye were crap as a manager so please have the good grace to stop making yerself look like someone with a massive chip on your shoulder. I cringed when I heard him on The Last Word with Matt last week where he pleaded that he wasn't bitter and then went on to gripe about how Stan got treated so much better than him. It's in the past Brian - move on! So any talk from him regarding the FAI now I take with a big pinch of salt.
The FAI 'leadership' remind me of the old Soviet politburo - mostly anonymous, ruled until death, accountable to no-one but with total power over the organisation.
The FAI 'leadership' remind me of the old Soviet politburo - mostly anonymous, ruled until death, accountable to no-one but with total power over the organisation.
Sounds like Bertie!
As for Brian Kerr, please - talk about a bitter bitter man, let it go Brian, ye were crap as a manager so please have the good grace to stop making yerself look like someone with a massive chip on your shoulder. I cringed when I heard him on The Last Word with Matt last week where he pleaded that he wasn't bitter and then went on to gripe about how Stan got treated so much better than him. It's in the past Brian - move on! So any talk from him regarding the FAI now I take with a big pinch of salt.

I agree. Brian Kerr should just stay quiet. Mick McCarthy got the roughest deal from this country (and I wasn't a fan of his) but he hasn't spent the past few years moaning to the press about how he was treated.
According to Brian Kerr on the radio this morning all these 'improvements' in the FAI at grassroots etc are just spin. I'd like to hear the opinion of people involved with the FAI at grassroots level, as it seems rather surprisingly that you can't believe what you read in the papers ;)
Why not find out by getting involved if you're so interested?
In other words, "we'd like someone outside the FAI to take the rap for any future cock-ups".

Thats exactly what I was thinking too. But in fairness they've been hounded into it.

Re Delaney - the "management team" thing was a bit offbeat but possibly workable until Sir Bob had to pull out. No-one seems to remember that the FAI were nearly handing out application forms for the job at the traffic lights - very very few candidates - they took a punt and got ... unlucky. You could argue that whoever else was going for it should have gotten it (Aldridge??) - but to my recollection there was no superstar who was spurned.

Re Stan - nice lad but did you have to be quite so bad? Inexplicable decisions, stubborness (Carsley), plankish and defensive/annoying with the media ... you tell me. So dont blame him for taking the job and he couldnt quit or he'd lose his payoff so dont blame him for that either.

Lately twas like watching a nature programme from Afirca and the beast at the back of the pack getting caught and ravaged by the leopard, compelling, sad, but all part of nature so what can you do.

In summary I dont think its quite the scandal people make it out to be, just a sad turn of events.
In summary I dont think its quite the scandal people make it out to be, just a sad turn of events.

There are a lot of people who do feel that it IS something of a scandal, particularly as they forked out €70+ to attend games of very poor quality. Ultimately, Staunton's naiivety and the FAI's lack of leadership has already led to people turning away in droves, which is a pity.
One thing that I get sick of is the constant bleating about "hard earned money", "travelling from Cork or Galway", "a family of 12 with twins on the way"

If its too much trouble or expense, or bad value, to go then stay at home and watch on tv. Everyone wants a medal for being part of the attendance - or commentators make them out to be martyrs.

Bit like the GPA & their argument - all they go through to play - if youre not happy to go through it then dont play, problem solved. Plenty more will take your jersey.
One thing that I get sick of is the constant bleating about "hard earned money", "travelling from Cork or Galway", "a family of 12 with twins on the way"

If its too much trouble or expense, or bad value, to go then stay at home and watch on tv. Everyone wants a medal for being part of the attendance - or commentators make them out to be martyrs.

Excellent point - 3 of the last 4 All Ireland football finals have been one-sided duds - still we didn't see the Mayo & Cork supporters boo their teams and managers off the pitch, nor a serial media whinge about poor people paying good money to be there.

Bit like the GPA & their argument - all they go through to play - if youre not happy to go through it then dont play, problem solved. Plenty more will take your jersey.

Agree 100%
Why not find out by getting involved if you're so interested?

Did I come across as very interested? My mistake :)
I have to plead in my defence that the media made me do it. Them media are always getting me riled up about this and that, firing up enthusiasm where it has no right to be.
Bit like the GPA & their argument - all they go through to play - if youre not happy to go through it then dont play, problem solved. Plenty more will take your jersey.

And I am tired of hearing comments like this. 99 people out of 100 would not be able or willing to make the same sacrifces that inter county players make from a young age in pursuit of playing at the top level. Whether they should be asked to make those sacrifices for no reward is a different argument but to suggest that they should count themselves lucky to have the 'jersey' is ridiculous. They earned it the hard way