Stamullen, Co. Meath & Balbriggan: Relocation of Dublin Port



Have just bought a house in Stamullen, Co. Meath. Have recently heard that plans are underway to move Dublin Port up to North Co. Dublin (in Balbriggan), not too far from where I live.
Has anyone any info on this.
Re: Relocation of Dublin Port

after the being built??? I seriously doubt it, but in saying that the PD's had plans for a port to be built in Bremore, co. dublin.

[broken link removed]
Re: Relocation of Dublin Port

Hey, just checked out that web link. If Dublin Port (according to the PD's) has a capacity problem why spend so much money on the port tunnel if the port will eventually have to be moved?
Is this a classic case of our current government acting first, thinking later or just something for the PD's to talk about?
Re: Relocation of Dublin Port

If Dublin Port (according to the PD's) has a capacity problem why spend so much money on the port tunnel if the port will eventually have to be moved?

I have believed for a long long time that Dublin Port should be moved from its present location and the location should be used for quality high-density residential & commercial development, as an alternative to having people commute from Gorey or Dundalk. The new tunnel does not alter the logic of this as it could in the future be used as a means of access between the redeveloped area and the rest of the city. Maybe that's why the government didn't bother raising the height of the tunnel to suit the truckers?

Is this a classic case of our current government acting first, thinking later or just something for the PD's to talk about?

Maybe both, maybe neither...
Re: Relocation of Dublin Port

Are you talking about the proposed Bremore Port facility which is being developed by the Drogheda Port Company?

Further details are here:
Re: Relocation of Dublin Port

Maybe that's why the government didn't bother raising the height of the tunnel to suit the truckers?
Possibly, but I severely doubt it.

When the tunnel was originally designed it was large enough to cope with the tallest vehicles legally allowed on Irish roads (at the time a double decker bus I believe). It was/is larger than most European standards (falls in with the Austrian level [if I recall correctly] at it's current height, higher than most other averages).

The issue of the larger trucks did come on line during (or just before) construction, but any changes to try and accommodate them would lead to narrowing of the lanes (e.g. the road level would have to be dropped meaning a shorter chord [road level basically being a chord across the circular tunnel bore]), meaning a reduction in safety for all users. It was felt that, as this was already an unusual environment for road users, the reduction in lane width would/could have serious implications for safety.

If a new port was to be introduced, it would take a long time to construct. A very long time (personally I don't see it happening [in the short term], but who knows). In the meantime, the tunnel has already lead to a reduction of HGV traffic around the quays [around 20 or 30% reduction on some roads] meaning less congestion and a reduction in the number of potential accidents involving HGVs (again, a little hazy on the figures but I believe an average of five fatalities involving HGVs along the quays per year... or possibly that figure was specific to last year.. not 100% on which).

A lot of the info above a very rough memory of a recent talk (an excellent one I might add) on the tunnel by Tim Brick of Dublin City Council. Any errors in what I've stated are my own poor memory and not as a result of the speaker.
(Praise must go to all involved in the project. 8 million man hours on a job of this nature/danger/complication without a single fatality - the way it should be, but sadly not always the way it is [no connection to any of those involved])

I've a personal interest in it as I daily use the route from the East Link to Clontarf Rd via the Port (and passing very close to the southern mouth of the tunnel). Had serious worries of negative impacts from the tunnel, but (other than a few busy shows in the Point causing the usual chaos in that area, no way connected to the tunnel ) no real negative effects since it has opened.

Whatever the future of that area may hold, personally I think the tunnel is an excellent improvement to the infrastructure of the area.