Stamp duty when renting (have signed a lease)?


Registered User
I have just leased a house for a year. The agency which I am renting from have requested a €280 stamp duty free claiming that I am "buying the lease for a period of one year". Is this leagal?
Is there any other option to not paying the fee (except the obvious not take the house)
Re: stamp duty when renting??

I would contact the ptrb, I have never heard of that myself.
Re: stamp duty when renting??

The stamp duties chargeable in Ireland fall into two main categories.

1. The first comprises the duties payable on a wide range of legal and commercial documents, including (but not limited to) conveyances of property, leases of property, ..............

See [broken link removed]for full text.
Re: stamp duty when renting?

Yes - SD is chargeable on (some?) leases. See the [broken link removed].
Thanks guys
Ive been doing a bit of research turns out bacchus is on the money...
seems if u agree to it in a contract then its your own business and they are pretty free about what they can put in a conrtact.
Still thinks its a bit of a makeyupy reason to try and get a few more € out of people