Stamp duty reference number


Registered User

Can anbody tell me how I can get the stamp duty reference number for my property. I bought the property 4 years ago and rented it last summer, hence I owe some stamp duty.

The form I'm trying to fill out is looking for a stamp duty reference number. I have tried to get this from my solicitor but she simply won't take my calls. How do I get this number? I rang the stamp duty office but they said my solicitor should have it, as did the bank?

If you have a mortgage, then your deeds are with your bank/lender. If, as should be the case, the Deeds are back with your bank then your solicitor will not have these stamp duty details. If your title is unregistered, the details of the stamp duty will be printed on the Deed. If your title is registered, then you will need a copy of the instrument from the Land Registry.

If your last solicitor does not want to deal with you ( and I have some (former) clients that I would never act for ever again after the carry on, the histrionics and the rudeness I encountered although I would ring them to tell them that!), you should talk to an accountant or another solicitor.

thanks mf1. I'm fairly sure the title is registered so, should I now be talking to the Land Registry and looking for a 'copy of the instrument'? Will they require anything from me in order for me to get this?
25 euro and some form of i.d. Only the landowner is entitled to see the instrument.

Sorry just to clarify. Can a person go into the Land Registry office and get a copy of the deed there and then or is it a long winded process ? I guess what I'm asking is, how much onus is on you to convince the LR that you are the owner or do they do a quick search by your name and voila it pops up the details and you're out the door nice and quick.

It can take up to 6 weeks after you order the instrument from Land REg as they keep all original docs off site and it takes an age.They will post it out to you.