Stamp duty question?


Registered User
Hi guys, my wife and i bought a house in sep 2004 for €200k ,at the time we paid stamp duty of €6k (3%) even though both of us never owned a house before .we were told at the time that because the house was not a new house (we were the 2nd owners) we didnt count as first time buyers....i have mentioned this to a few people lately and they are sure that there must have been some mistake.any views on this?
You were first time buyers. The fact that the property was second hand doesn’t change that. However, In 2004 First time buyers of Second-hand Residential Property were subject to stamp duty. The rate of 3% for a property worth €200,000 in September 2004 is correct. For transfers executed on or after 2 December 2004, a first time buyer would have been exempt from stamp duty on second hand properties up to a value of €317,500. Your purchase was about 3 months too early to benefit from the budget changes so the stamp duty of 3% was correct.