Stamp duty on new home?


Registered User
Does anyone know if I pay stamp duty on a newly build property? I will be an owner occupier of this new property which will cost 380000 euro (2200 sq ft). I'm not a first time buyer as I will be selling up own property to purchase this new home.
First and non first time buyer owner occupiers are exempt from SD on new houses under 125sqm with a Department of Environment floor area certificate. For new houses over this floor area other exemptions and calculations apply. See . Is this a self build or bought from a developer?
If the area of the house or flat is greater than 125 sq. metres (1,346 sq. feet), some stamp duty is payable if the Chargeable Consideration is above the relevant exemption threshold. (The stamp duty is assessed on either the cost of the site or 25% of the cost of the site plus the building costs (less VAT), whichever is the greater figure. This figure is called the Chargeable Consideration.

This is the statement on the oasis web page. What I want to know is, when they say
"stamp duty is assessed on either the cost of the site or 25% of the cost of the site plus the building costs (less VAT)"
do they mean 25% of the site plus 25% of the building costs (less VAT) or 25% of the site and 100% of the building costs (less VAT)

I dont think this is correct. Non first time buyer will have to pay stamp duty.
It's not incorrect - see OASIS:
Owner-occupiers of new houses/apartments are exempt from stamp duty, provided that the area of the house or apartment does not exceed 125 sq. metres (1,346 sq. feet) and a has been issued.
This exemption applies to both first and non first time owner occupier buyers.