It is above the 127 but it looks like the below would apply to us,
if we are able to claim current ftb relief, unlike the reduced rate we paid at the time.
" A person who obtained ftb relief on the purchase of an interest in a house would not be precluded from obtaining ftb relief on a subsequent purchase of another interest in the same house provided that person has not purchased another house or part of another house in the intervening period. "
On the mortgage, whether stamp duty is payable depends on a few issues. If you are sticking with same lender then the Transfer Deed will absolve third party from mortgage with other two becoming entirely responsible so there is no new Mortgage Deed.
We will most likely stick with current lender,
But if remortgaging with another lender, then if mortgage is over 254K stamp duty will be payable on the new mortgage at 0.1%.
It would be so thanks for that warning,
Thanks a million,