Stalking and harassment law


New Member
Stalking and harassment came into law in July of 2023 with the update of the miscellaneous act. I know there's a proper name for it.

The new law came into force in September of this year.

The new law makes it easier for people to apply to the court for a court order to stop the behaviour. Previous to now that order was only available within family law and intimate relationships.

For people like me who falls outside of intimate relationships, the only civil option was an injunction which was very expensive.

I am long term harassed. With the recent round of abusive communications only a few weeks ago.

What solicitor would I need to help me apply to the court for a civil order on harassment.
Stalking and harassment came into law in July of 2023 with the update of the miscellaneous act. I know there's a proper name for it.
What solicitor would I need to help me apply to the court for a civil order on harassment.
I'd imagine that any solicitor that deals with criminal and/or family law (I know it's not strictly/necessarily a family law issue)?
I expect any practicing solicitor will be competent to give you advice after an initial consultation.