Staff leaving - when to pay?


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Need a little help please?

A member of my sales team resigned this afternoon and plans to finish up in two weeks Wed 3rd Oct.

In our staff handbook it says the minimum notice for her length of time working here is 1 week but as we all know sales staff just don’t work once they have decided to leave, can I ask her to leave next Wednesday?

And finally, salaries are paid monthly when she finishes next week should she be paid up to that date or get a cheque in the post after payroll has happened?

Thanks for all your help thankfully I’m new to staff leaving.

Anytime I have changed jobs I got paid on the normal monthly date after I had physically left.
HI SInead,

Have you not got a HR dept in the company?
If you want the person to leave early, remember you will have to pay for their notice period anyway.

On sick leave, it depends on the company policy. If you normally pay it, you have to continue to do so. However, if it is discretionary or you don't normally pay it, there is no statutory obligation to do so.
Are you saying I have to accept their two weeks notice? Can I not suggest they finish up sooner?

if you ask her to leave early, you will have to pay her.

you don't have to pay sick leave if its not in her terms and conditions of employment contract.

She is entitled to 1,66 days holiday per month if you are working off 20 days per year, so 5 days sounds about right....

you're prob right to ask her to go ASAP, nothing worse than someone talking about a new job in a small office, might put ideas in other employee's heads...

best of luck,
Are you saying I have to accept their two weeks notice? Can I not suggest they finish up sooner?

You have to either let them work their notice or pay them for it.

The notice period is the longer of the statutory minimum or what is stated in their contract.
Pay her the full amount but get her out ASAP. Legend is spot on about that.

You dont have to accept her 2 weeks notice. Her contract says 1 week notice according to your handbook. You can have her leave after 1 week.
Thank you to everyone for the helpful advice.

I her to finish next Wednesday telling her she only needed to give one weeks notice as per her contract and told her I would only be paying her for the week and she was happy. Going to give her a P45 and final salary at the end of the month which solves my problem as it will not be running into the October payroll.

Thanks again

Make sure you pay her any holidays she has accrued and is due. Nothing qworse than an ex employee meeting a bar room lawyer after they've left and being advised they should have been paid their holiday entitlement and coming back looking for it after P45 done. However most employees who know they're about to go make sure they've taken their entire years leave (even though they're only entitled to the portion of it that relates to the portion of the year they've worked)