stables at rear of house- a turn off?

Charlie 07

Registered User
Have a deposit on a house in the country. Solicitor got contracts few days ago and mentioned that house must get retention and keys cannot be handed over until 1 month after retention is granted. Went on Co.Co web site and discovered thats permission to build stables+ appropriate sewage tank for 4 horses was granted bout 9 months.(Stables to be built to left of house down passage to side of 'our' house) Builder said nothing bout this when I asked him if anything could be built on land behind house.
Will the smell from this be unbearable and more inportantly, will the house be difficult to sell if we decided to move?
Is that fact that he lied to us another factor to consider (i.e. what else hasen't he told us?)
Thanks folks
There are issues raised here.

1. House needs retention? So was it built without planning and if yes, are you sure planning permission will be granted? How long will that take?

2. A planning search has disclosed that there is permission for stables. This is nothing to do with your house but may affect your quality of life. It is not for the builder to disclose these things to you - it is the norm to do a planning search and see what likely development there may be.

3. Some people would like a stables beside them. It would not bother me. It would bother some people.

4. Builder probably has not lied to you. There may have been an absence of openness but all has now been revealed.

Its your choice what you do.
