St Josephs Road Stoneybatter


Registered User
We're looking at buying on St Josephs Road in Stoneybatter. It's just off Prussia Street and Aughrim Street. Seems like a particularly nice part of Stoneybatter, I was wondering if anyone knows much about that area? We'd really appreciate any advice/opinions..thanks!
Try a basic Google search for starters. I remember several outbreaks of tyre slashing in the general area but I'm not sure how long ago that was. Also check if the neighbouring houses are rented or owner-occupied. My friend recently moved out of the area due to students in the house next door and constant noise, especially late at night.

Don't mean to sound negative but they are two things that put us off a gorgeous house in Stoneybatter last year.
Thanks shesells, I lived in the Grangegorman/Stanhope area over 5 years ago, was just curious about that specific road..I guess with Grangegorman DIT on the way there's going to be a huge flow of students into the area over the next few years
St Josephs Road is a particularly nice looking and well kept part of stoneybatter and it regularly wins Tidy Towns prizes for the upkeep. V handy location too.

I don't have any first hand knowledge of what it's like to live on that street though.
St Josephs Road is a particularly nice looking and well kept part of stoneybatter and it regularly wins Tidy Towns prizes for the upkeep.
Are you sure that you're not confusing it with Kirwan Street/Kirwan Street Cottages? I never recall St. Joseph's Road winning any such awards - not to imply that it's particularly shabby or anything.
Thanks guys. There's a huge car park behind the house we're interested in which i suspect will be sold for development, anyone know anything about planned development on Prissia/Aughrom Sts?
Which side of the street is it on - north (church) or south?

DIT/Grangegorman is the big planned development obviously. DCC are supposed to be doing a big revamp of the Drumalee ("cattle markets") estate (at the top of Prussia/Aughrim Streets and bounded by the NCR) but haven't heard any updates recently. O'Devany Gardens is a bit away but redevelopment has started as far as I know.
Hi Clubman,
It's on the south side of the street right behind the houses, you can see it clearly on google sat map...
Strange - I never noticed that one before. Where is the entrance? Is it via the gate on St. Joesph's Road itself? Do you know who owns it and who uses the car park right now? I'm not aware of any plans for it but that doesn't mean much! Obviously you'll want to check out any development plans and planning applications for the area. Have you asked any of the existing residents about the area and any development plans/rumours that they've heard about?
Yep, that's the one's bugging me coz it's a really nice road..I'll do some more snooping. I think the entrance is via that gate, I plan to ask the car park folk about it on Saturday.

On another note, what are the primary schools like in the area?