St Columbanus estate, Milltown, D 14?


Registered User
Has anyone got any experience of the St Columbanus estate in Milltown (near the 9 arches)? Is it a nice area? There's a few houses availble in this area that we're looking at. Anyone's experience/knowledge of this area would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

I used to live there for 8 years. I lived donw by the green closest to the river. That end was great, very quiet area, further up is more council houses(all were at one stage) but never had any trouble there. I would of bought there if any were available back when i was buying.!

Good area
Thanks for the replies and the link to the previous thread. We're particulary looking at the avenue and I feel more confident now we are right in thinking that the area is a nice one is. Thanks for that!
Just to add, DLR is the local Co Co and the whole area is going disk parking, foot paths been reduced to 1.5m in width to allow cars to park properly on the road and a one way system being introduced on some of the roads.

I live on Columbanus Road and I am going to move, soon. One of the reasons
that I am moving is that it is a terrible area. There is a lot of anti-social
behaviour such as, drinking in public, leaving rubbish in each others gardens,
children running riot and stealing the bikes from the luas stop (saw it happen
myself - I did nothing as too scared of them). It is not an area that you
would want to live in if you have children. It seems to be a much better area
the further you are from the luas stop. At the luas stop there is a lot
of drinking during the summer, and they are so loud you can hear them
quite a distance away.