SSAP and property purchase


Registered User

We have a limited company and have set up a SSAP pension for myself via a broker using ITC . Just conerned on charges.
To transfer money into pension the broker is trying to charge below:
Implementation charge of 5% new funds and 1 % Annually on fund.

The 5% seems very high? Anyone any advice on this charge?
I have an SSAP pension via a broker using ITC.

There is no charge to to add new funds. The broker charged €600 one-off set up for pension, with an annual charge of 0.25%. This is on top of the ITC charge and the Vanguard fund charge. I did find a broker charging €1000 one-off set up for pension, with an annual charge of 0.15%, but with a minimum charge that didn't work out for a new fund.

5% on new funds appears outrageous.

We have a limited company and have set up a SSAP pension for myself via a broker using ITC . Just conerned on charges.
To transfer money into pension the broker is trying to charge below:
Implementation charge of 5% new funds and 1 % Annually on fund.

The 5% seems very high? Anyone any advice on this charge?

At a guess the broker is based in Ballymount