Squatters Rights


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Hi, hope someone can shed some light on how i need to proceed.I have been farming my uncles land since he died 13 years ago.He left no will when he died and I also farmed the land with him when he was alive. The land was never registered in his name either and is showing up under his mothers dads name as being the registered owner along time ago.
How do i get this land registered into my name and how difficult will it be? Will it cost much?
They are involved, but not much is happening. Is ther anywhere I can read up on squatters rights online?
Dont think so, my dad had, well has this issue and was advised by solicitor not to go squatters rights route. Land was gifted by his father to build house on, house built in late 70's no transfer of land, my grandfather died and whole farm left to my uncle. All land was left in estate, for almost 15 years still in estate at time of transfer by my dad.

Now mom & dad selling house and have to transfer land house built on to their name.

Solicitor told them the best route was to get his brothers and sisters to state they had no claim to land and transfer ownership that way. Its still going on (ie not yet transferred) and initial documents done almost 6 months ago.

I would have thought a conversation with solicitor should be able to answer questions, but if not getting answers, I'd sugge3st getting another solicitor.
where would i find details of what rents were paid to the land commissioner and for what period of time?
where would i find details of what rents were paid to the land commissioner and for what period of time?

From the Land Commission. You can also find details of rates paid and the rated occupier from the Valuation Office.

From what you have said though your uncles and aunts on your fathers side have already signed off for your fathers site- would they do the same for the farm?

If they won't then your only option is a s.49/squattors, although with that type of application the more time you have the better.