Squatters Rights...



Hey I'm a student I really want to continue my studies in college but due to long hours I amn't able to fund for rent and attend college. Im wondering if squatters rights would apply to me I've been living in a room for over 12 months without any form of rent or legal permission. Can I be still be kicked out of my home?
by the way its my family home they're trying to kick me out of. I've been suffering abuse but I still dont want to leave as I know I can't support myself through college. please help. I have no idea what my rights are.
Hi Kate - Sorry to hear of your difficult situation. I really don't think this is a 'legal issue'. Regardless of the legalities, trying to enforce squatters rights in a family home sounds like a nightmare scenario. I think you need to find some kind of solution with which you can all agree, rather than rely on the legalities. I would suggest that you take professional advice on the abuse issue.
can you study at night and work by day?
Seems messy and not an ideal situation for you to be in as a student.

Is there a student welfare officer/student liaison officer in your college/university? If so, I might suggest you have a word with them about your options. They may also be able to put you in touch with/refer you on to other services who can help.

It seems to me that if you are at risk of being evicted, you have no place else to go and are unable to provide for your own housing needs, then you are at risk of homelessness. You give us no indication of your age - so I am unclear as to whether you are over 18 years and legally considered an adult or not.

Either way, I might suggest calling into your nearest Citizen Infomration Centre for information on your options and the supports available. All advice is in absolute confidence and it's free of charge. They also offer free legal advice evenings for information on your legal situation.

It might also be worthwhile visiting your local Community Welfare Officer for free, confidental advice and information about help with paying the rent and other exceptional needs payments the HSE can make. They are available at your nearest health centre - their hours are normally displayed at the entrance.

I hope this has helped.
Im 18. I went to the citizan's information centre and although there's not much I can do Im going to inquire about social welfare. thanks for your help!