Squatters Rights



We have a mobile home parked on a common area of land for the past 45 years, can anyone inform us of what rights we have after this period of time?
What do you mean by a "common area of land"? can you describe the circumstances by which you find yourself living there for that length of time? If it is a common area of land then it must belong to people to make it a common, as in open space for use by residents etc.etc.
There was a gentleman in our town had a mobile home parked on public property and when the town council tried to get him to move it they discovered that he had squatters rights and had to allow him to stay. He has since died and his estate is selling the site for between 200K and 300K. He had been there less than 20 years.

The land in question is owned by a number of people and these people were entitled to graze their cattle on it. It is considered a common area and when we moved our mobile to this area 50 years ago as a holiday home we were welcomed and have been using it as our holiday getaway ever since.
"when we moved our mobile to this area 50 years ago as a holiday home we were welcomed"

This would seem fatal to any "squatters title" claim. The essence of a squatter's title is that you must be there uninvited and in a way which is inconsistent with the title of the true owner. It seems that you are more in the way of being a permitted guest\licensee\invitee. Of course, many people in your position would still make a claim for a squatters title, on the basis that posession is most of the battle.
I understand that a squatters right only comes into effect if there is nobody else to claim title/ ownership to the land. As there is title there should be no squatters right.
There was a courst case a few years (4/5) back in Dublin where a mans family had been tenants for well over 100 yrs and there was somebody claiming title. He won but I can't remember what point of law was used.
justin said:
We have a mobile home parked on a common area of land for the past 45 years, can anyone inform us of what rights we have after this period of time?
I didn't think that many mobile homes would have a lifespan of nearly a half a century. I would expect them to disintegrate before then.
Please stick to the facts and leave emotion and 'morality' out of it. I have unapporoved some of the recent posts-if you want to rant, post in Letting Off Steam.